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ttk::spinbox(n) [osx man page]

ttk::spinbox(n) 						 Tk Themed Widget						   ttk::spinbox(n)


ttk::spinbox - Selecting text field widget SYNOPSIS
ttk::spinbox pathName ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
A ttk::spinbox widget is a ttk::entry widget with built-in up and down buttons that are used to either modify a numeric value or to select among a set of values. The widget implements all the features of the ttk::entry widget including support of the -textvariable option to link the value displayed by the widget to a Tcl variable. STANDARD OPTIONS
-class -cursor -style -takefocus -xscrollcommand See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options. STANDARD OPTIONS
-validate -validatecommand See the ttk_entry manual entry for details on the standard options. WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS [-from from] A floating-point value specifying the lowest value for the spinbox. This is used in conjunction with -to and -increment to set a numerical range. [-to to] A floating-point value specifying the highest permissible value for the widget. See also -from and -increment. range. [-increment increment] A floating-point value specifying the change in value to be applied each time one of the widget spin buttons is pressed. The up button applies a positive increment, the down button applies a negative increment. [-values values] This must be a Tcl list of values. If this option is set then this will override any range set using the -from, -to and -increment options. The widget will instead use the values specified beginning with the first value. [-wrap wrap] Must be a proper boolean value. If on, the spinbox will wrap around the values of data in the widget. [-format format] Specifies an alternate format to use when setting the string value when using the -from and -to range. This must be a format specifier of the form %<pad>.<pad>f, as it will format a floating-point number. [-command command] Specifies a Tcl command to be invoked whenever a spinbutton is invoked. INDICES
See the ttk::entry manual for information about indexing characters. VALIDATION
See the ttk::entry manual for information about using the -validate and -validatecommand options. WIDGET COMMAND
The following subcommands are possible for spinbox widgets in addition to the commands described for the ttk::entry widget: pathName current index pathName get Returns the spinbox's current value. pathName set value Set the spinbox string to value. If a -format option has been configured then this format will be applied. If formatting fails or is not set or the -values option has been used then the value is set directly. SEE ALSO
ttk::widget(n), ttk::entry(n), spinbox(n) KEYWORDS
entry, spinbox, widget, text field Tk 8.5.9 ttk::spinbox(n)

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ttk::spinbox(n) 						 Tk Themed Widget						   ttk::spinbox(n)


ttk::spinbox - Selecting text field widget SYNOPSIS
ttk::spinbox pathName ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
A ttk::spinbox widget is a ttk::entry widget with built-in up and down buttons that are used to either modify a numeric value or to select among a set of values. The widget implements all the features of the ttk::entry widget including support of the -textvariable option to link the value displayed by the widget to a Tcl variable. STANDARD OPTIONS
-class -cursor -style -takefocus -xscrollcommand See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options. STANDARD OPTIONS
-validate -validatecommand See the ttk_entry manual entry for details on the standard options. WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS [-from from] A floating-point value specifying the lowest value for the spinbox. This is used in conjunction with -to and -increment to set a numerical range. [-to to] A floating-point value specifying the highest permissible value for the widget. See also -from and -increment. range. [-increment increment] A floating-point value specifying the change in value to be applied each time one of the widget spin buttons is pressed. The up button applies a positive increment, the down button applies a negative increment. [-values values] This must be a Tcl list of values. If this option is set then this will override any range set using the -from, -to and -increment options. The widget will instead use the values specified beginning with the first value. [-wrap wrap] Must be a proper boolean value. If on, the spinbox will wrap around the values of data in the widget. [-format format] Specifies an alternate format to use when setting the string value when using the -from and -to range. This must be a format specifier of the form %<pad>.<pad>f, as it will format a floating-point number. [-command command] Specifies a Tcl command to be invoked whenever a spinbutton is invoked. INDICES
See the ttk::entry manual for information about indexing characters. VALIDATION
See the ttk::entry manual for information about using the -validate and -validatecommand options. WIDGET COMMAND
The following subcommands are possible for spinbox widgets in addition to the commands described for the ttk::entry widget: pathName current index pathName get Returns the spinbox's current value. pathName set value Set the spinbox string to value. If a -format option has been configured then this format will be applied. If formatting fails or is not set or the -values option has been used then the value is set directly. SEE ALSO
ttk::widget(n), ttk::entry(n), spinbox(n) KEYWORDS
entry, spinbox, widget, text field Tk 8.5.9 ttk::spinbox(n)
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