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ttk::menubutton(n) [osx man page]

ttk::menubutton(n)						 Tk Themed Widget						ttk::menubutton(n)


ttk::menubutton - Widget that pops down a menu when pressed SYNOPSIS
ttk::menubutton pathName ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
A ttk::menubutton widget displays a textual label and/or image, and displays a menu when pressed. STANDARD OPTIONS
-class -compound -cursor -image -state -style -takefocus -text -textvariable -underline -width See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options. WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS [-direction direction] Specifies where the menu is to be popped up relative to the menubutton. One of: above, below, left, right, or flush. The default is below. flush pops the menu up directly over the menubutton. [-menu menu] Specifies the path name of the menu asso- ciated with the menubutton. To be on the safe side, the menu ought to be a direct child of the menubutton. WIDGET COMMAND
Menubutton widgets support the standard cget, configure, identify, instate, and state methods. No other widget methods are used. STANDARD STYLES
Ttk::menubutton widgets support the Toolbutton style in all standard themes, which is useful for creating widgets for toolbars. SEE ALSO
ttk::widget(n), menu(n), menubutton(n) KEYWORDS
widget, button, menu Tk 8.5 ttk::menubutton(n)

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ttk::menubutton(n)						 Tk Themed Widget						ttk::menubutton(n)


ttk::menubutton - Widget that pops down a menu when pressed SYNOPSIS
ttk::menubutton pathName ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
A ttk::menubutton widget displays a textual label and/or image, and displays a menu when pressed. STANDARD OPTIONS
-class -compound -cursor -image -state -style -takefocus -text -textvariable -underline -width See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options. WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS [-direction direction] Specifies where the menu is to be popped up relative to the menubutton. One of: above, below, left, right, or flush. The default is below. flush pops the menu up directly over the menubutton. [-menu menu] Specifies the path name of the menu asso- ciated with the menubutton. To be on the safe side, the menu ought to be a direct child of the menubutton. WIDGET COMMAND
Menubutton widgets support the standard cget, configure, identify, instate, and state methods. No other widget methods are used. SEE ALSO
ttk::widget(n), menu(n), menubutton(n) KEYWORDS
widget, button, menu Tk 8.5 ttk::menubutton(n)
Man Page

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