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tk_getstring(n) [osx man page]

getstring(n)					     A dialog which prompts for a string input					      getstring(n)


getstring - A string dialog SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.4 package require getstring ?0.1? ::getstring::tk_getString pathName variable text ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This package provides a dialog which consists of an Entry, OK, and Cancel buttons. ::getstring::tk_getString pathName variable text ?options? Creates a dialog which prompts the user with text to input a text string. The contents of the entry are put in the variable upon closure of the dialog. The command returns a boolean indicating if the user pressed OK or not. If -geometry is not specified, the dialog is centered in its parent toplevel unless its parent is . in which case the dialog is centered in the screen. Options: -title -allowempty a boolean argument indicating if the dialog should accept an empty entry -entryoptions simply passes its argu- ments through to the entry widget. This is valuble for performing extra validation using the Entry widget validation hooks. -geome- try specifies the geometry of the window EXAMPLE
package require getstring namespace import getstring::* if {[tk_getString .gs text "Feed me a string please:"]} { puts "user entered: $text" } KEYWORDS
dialog, entry, string getstring 0.1 getstring(n)

Check Out this Related Man Page

getstring(3tk)					     A dialog which prompts for a string input					    getstring(3tk)


getstring - A string dialog SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.4 package require getstring ?0.1? ::getstring::tk_getString pathName variable text ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This package provides a dialog which consists of an Entry, OK, and Cancel buttons. ::getstring::tk_getString pathName variable text ?options? Creates a dialog which prompts the user with text to input a text string. The contents of the entry are put in the variable upon closure of the dialog. The command returns a boolean indicating if the user pressed OK or not. If -geometry is not specified, the dialog is centered in its parent toplevel unless its parent is . in which case the dialog is centered in the screen. Options: -title -allowempty a boolean argument indicating if the dialog should accept an empty entry -entryoptions simply passes its argu- ments through to the entry widget. This is valuble for performing extra validation using the Entry widget validation hooks. -geome- try specifies the geometry of the window EXAMPLE
package require getstring namespace import getstring::* if {[tk_getString .gs text "Feed me a string please:"]} { puts "user entered: $text" } KEYWORDS
dialog, entry, string getstring 0.1 getstring(3tk)
Man Page

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