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map_slippy_fetcher(n) [osx man page]

map::slippy::fetcher(n) 					 Mapping utilities					   map::slippy::fetcher(n)


map::slippy::fetcher - Accessing a server providing tiles for slippy-based maps SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk 8.4 package require img::png package require map::slippy package require map::slippy::fetcher ?0.2? ::map::slippy::fetcher fetcherName levels url fetcherName levels fetcherName tileheight fetcherName tilewidth fetcherName get tile donecmd _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This package provides a class for accessing http servers providing tiles for slippy-based maps. API
::map::slippy::fetcher fetcherName levels url Creates the fetcher fetcherName and configures it with the number of zoom levels supported by the tile server, and the url it is listening on for tile requests. The result of the command is fetcherName. METHODS fetcherName levels This method returns the number of zoom levels supported by the fetcher object, and the tile server it is accessing. fetcherName tileheight This method returns the height of tiles served, in pixels. fetcherName tilewidth This method returns the width of tiles served, in pixels. fetcherName get tile donecmd This is the main method of the fetcher, retrieving the image for the specified tile. The tile identifier is a list containing three elements, the zoom level, row, and column number of the tile, in this order. The command refix donecmd will be invoked when the fetcher either knows the image for the tile or that no image will forthcoming. It will be invoked with either 2 or 3 arguments, i.e. [1] The string set, the tile, and the image. [2] The string unset, and the tile. These two possibilities are used to either signal the image for the tile, or that the tile has no image defined for it. REFERENCES
http, location, map, server, slippy, tile, url, zoom map 0.2 map::slippy::fetcher(n)

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map::slippy::cache(n)						 Mapping utilities					     map::slippy::cache(n)


map::slippy::cache - Management of a tile cache in the local filesystem SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk 8.4 package require img::png package require map::slippy package require map::slippy::cache ?0.2? ::map::slippy::cache cacheName cachedir provider cacheName valid tile ?msgvar? cacheName exists tile cacheName get tile donecmd _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This package provides a class for managing a cache of tiles for slippy-based maps in the local filesystem. API
::map::slippy::cache cacheName cachedir provider Creates the cache cacheName and configures it with both the path to the directory contaiing the locally cached tiles (cachedir), and the command prefix from which it will pull tiles asked for and not yet known to the cache itself (provider). The result of the command is cacheName. METHODS cacheName valid tile ?msgvar? This method checks the validity of a the given tile identifier. This is a convenience wrapper to ::map::slippy tile valid and has the same interface. cacheName exists tile This methods tests whether the cache contains the specified tile or not. The result is a boolean value, true if the tile is known, and false otherwise. The tile is identified by a list containing three elements, zoom level, row, and column number, in this order. cacheName get tile donecmd This is the main method of the cache, retrieving the image for the specified tile from the cache. The tile identifier is a list con- taining three elements, the zoom level, row, and column number of the tile, in this order. The command refix donecmd will be invoked when the cache either knows the image for the tile or that no image will forthcoming. It will be invoked with either 2 or 3 arguments, i.e. [1] The string set, the tile, and the image. [2] The string unset, and the tile. These two possibilities are used to either signal the image for the tile, or that the tile has no image defined for it. When the cache has no information about the tile it will invoke the provider command prefix specified during its construction, adding three arguments: The string get, the tile, and a callback into the cache. The latter will be invoked by the provider to either transfer the image to the cache, or signal that the tile has no image. When multiple requests for the same tile are made only one request will be issued to the provider. REFERENCES
cache, filesystem, location, map, slippy, tile, zoom map 0.2 map::slippy::cache(n)
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