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Widget(n)							     [incr Tk]								 Widget(n)


Widget - base class for mega-widgets within a frame INHERITANCE
itk::Archetype <- itk::Widget STANDARD OPTIONS
background cursor See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options. _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
The Widget class inherits everything from the Archetype class, and adds a Tk frame called the "hull" component to represent the body of the mega-widget. The window class name for the hull is set to the most-specific class name for the mega-widget. The protected variable itk_interior contains the window path name for the "hull" component. Derived classes specialize this widget by packing other widget compo- nents into the hull. Since the hull for the Widget class is implemented with a Tk frame, mega-widgets in the Widget class can be packed into other frames and toplevels. COMPONENTS
Name: hull Class: Frame The "hull" component acts as the body for the entire mega-widget. Other components are packed into the hull to further specialize the widget. EXAMPLE
The following example implements a simple TextDisplay mega-widget. It creates a read-only display of text with a text widget and a scroll- bar. option add *TextDisplay.wrap none widgetDefault option add *TextDisplay.textBackground ivory widgetDefault option add *TextDisplay.width 40 widgetDefault option add *TextDisplay.height 10 widgetDefault itcl::class TextDisplay { inherit itk::Widget constructor {args} { itk_component add text { text $ -state disabled -yscrollcommand [code $itk_interior.sbar set] } { usual keep -tabs -wrap -width -height rename -background -textbackground textBackground Background } pack $itk_component(text) -side left -expand yes -fill both itk_component add scrollbar { scrollbar $itk_interior.sbar -command [code $ yview] } pack $itk_component(scrollbar) -side right -fill y eval itk_initialize $args } public method display {info} public method append {info} } itcl::body TextDisplay::display {info} { $itk_component(text) configure -state normal $itk_component(text) delete 1.0 end $itk_component(text) insert 1.0 $info $itk_component(text) configure -state disabled } itcl::body TextDisplay::append {info} { $itk_component(text) configure -state normal $itk_component(text) insert end $info $itk_component(text) configure -state disabled } itk::usual TextDisplay { keep -background -cursor -foreground -font keep -activebackground -activerelief keep -highlightcolor -highlightthickness keep -insertbackground -insertborderwidth -insertwidth keep -insertontime -insertofftime keep -selectbackground -selectborderwidth -selectforeground keep -textbackground -troughcolor } # # EXAMPLE: Display the /etc/passwd file # TextDisplay .file -background red pack .file .file display [exec cat /etc/passwd] KEYWORDS
itk, Archetype, Widget, mega-widget itk 3.0 Widget(n)

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Toplevel(n)							     [incr Tk]							       Toplevel(n)


Toplevel - base class for mega-widgets in a top-level window INHERITANCE
itk::Archetype <- itk::Toplevel STANDARD OPTIONS
background cursor See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options. WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS Name: title Class: Title Command-Line Switch: -title Sets the title that the window manager displays in the title bar above the window. The default title is the null string. _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
The Toplevel class inherits everything from the Archetype class, and adds a Tk toplevel called the "hull" component to represent the body of the mega-widget. The window class name for the hull is set to the most-specific class name for the mega-widget. The protected variable itk_interior contains the window path name for the "hull" component. Derived classes specialize this widget by packing other widget compo- nents into the hull. Since the hull for the Toplevel class is implemented with a Tk toplevel, mega-widgets in the Toplevel class have their own toplevel window. This class is used to create dialog boxes and other pop-up windows. COMPONENTS
Name: hull Class: Toplevel The "hull" component acts as the body for the entire mega-widget. Other components are packed into the hull to further specialize the widget. EXAMPLE
The following example implements a MessageInfo mega-widget. It creates a pop-up message that the user can dismiss by pushing the "Dismiss" button. option add *MessageInfo.title "Notice" widgetDefault itcl::class MessageInfo { inherit itk::Toplevel constructor {args} { itk_component add dismiss { button $itk_interior.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command "destroy $itk_component(hull)" } pack $itk_component(dismiss) -side bottom -pady 4 itk_component add separator { frame $itk_interior.sep -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken } pack $itk_component(separator) -side bottom -fill x -padx 4 itk_component add icon { label $itk_interior.icon -bitmap info } pack $itk_component(icon) -side left -padx 8 -pady 8 itk_component add infoFrame { frame $ } pack $itk_component(infoFrame) -side left -expand yes -fill both -padx 4 -pady 4 itk_component add message { label $itk_interior.mesg -width 20 } { usual rename -text -message message Text } pack $itk_component(message) -expand yes -fill both eval itk_initialize $args after idle [code $this centerOnScreen] } protected method centerOnScreen {} { update idletasks set wd [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(hull)] set ht [winfo reqheight $itk_component(hull)] set x [expr ([winfo screenwidth $itk_component(hull)]-$wd)/2] set y [expr ([winfo screenheight $itk_component(hull)]-$ht)/2] wm geometry $itk_component(hull) +$x+$y } } itk::usual MessageInfo { keep -background -cursor -foreground -font keep -activebackground -activeforeground -disabledforeground keep -highlightcolor -highlightthickness } # # EXAMPLE: Create a notice window: # MessageInfo .m -message "File not found: /usr/local/bin/foo" KEYWORDS
itk, Archetype, Widget, mega-widget itk 3.0 Toplevel(n)
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