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docidx_lang_syntax(n) [osx man page]

docidx_lang_syntax(n)						Documentation tools					     docidx_lang_syntax(n)


docidx_lang_syntax - docidx language syntax DESCRIPTION
This document contains the formal specification of the syntax of the docidx markup language, version 1 in Backus-Naur-Form. This document is intended to be a reference, complementing the docidx language command reference. A beginner should read the much more informally writ- ten docidx language introduction first before trying to understand either this document or the command reference. FUNDAMENTALS
In the broadest terms possible the docidx markup language is like SGML and similar languages. A document written in this language consists primarily of markup commands, with text embedded into it at some places. Each markup command is a just Tcl command surrounded by a matching pair of [ and ]. Which commands are available, and their arguments, i.e. syntax is specified in the docidx language command reference. In this document we specify first the lexeme, and then the syntax, i.e. how we can mix text and markup commands with each other. LEXICAL DEFINITIONS
In the syntax rules listed in the next section [1] <TEXT> stands for all text except markup commands. [2] Any XXX stands for the markup command [xxx] including its arguments. Each markup command is a Tcl command surrounded by a matching pair of [ and ]. Inside of these delimiters the usual rules for a Tcl command apply with regard to word quotation, nested commands, continuation lines, etc. [3] <WHITE> stands for all text consisting only of spaces, newlines, tabulators and the comment markup command. SYNTAX
The rules listed here specify only the syntax of docidx documents. The lexical level of the language was covered in the previous section. Regarding the syntax of the (E)BNF itself [1] The construct { X } stands for zero or more occurrences of X. [2] The construct [ X ] stands for zero or one occurrence of X. The syntax: index = defs INDEX_BEGIN [ contents ] INDEX_END { <WHITE> } defs = { INCLUDE | VSET | <WHITE> } contents = keyword { keyword } keyword = defs KEY ref { ref } ref = MANPAGE | URL | defs At last a rule we were unable to capture in the EBNF syntax, as it is about the arguments of the markup commands, something which is not modeled here. [1] The arguments of all markup commands have to be plain text, and/or text markup commands, i.e. one of [1] lb, [2] rb, or [3] vset (1-argument form). BUGS, IDEAS, FEEDBACK This document, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category doctools of the Tcllib SF Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have. SEE ALSO
docidx_intro, docidx_lang_cmdref, docidx_lang_faq, docidx_lang_intro KEYWORDS
docidx commands, docidx language, docidx markup, docidx syntax, markup, semantic markup CATEGORY
Documentation tools COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Andreas Kupries <> doctools 1.0 docidx_lang_syntax(n)

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docidx_lang_faq(n)						Documentation tools						docidx_lang_faq(n)


docidx_lang_faq - docidx language faq DESCRIPTION
WHAT IS THIS DOCUMENT? This document is currently mainly a placeholder, to be filled with commonly asked questions about the docidx markup language and compan- ions, and their answers. Please report any questions (and, if possible, answers) we should consider for this document in the category doctools of the Tcllib SF Trackers []. EXAMPLES
WHERE DO I FIND DOCIDX EXAMPLES? We have no direct examples of documents written using docidx markup. However the doctools processor dtplite does generate keyword indices when processing a set of documents written in doctools markup. The intermediate files use docidx markup and are not deleted when generation completes. These files can therefore serve as examples. dtplite is distributed as part of Tcllib, so to get it you need one of [1] A CVS snapshot of Tcllib. How to retrieve such a snapshot and the tools required for this are described at http://source- [2] A Tcllib release archive. They are available at BUGS, IDEAS, FEEDBACK This document, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report any such in the category doctools of the Tcllib SF Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either the package and/or the documentation. SEE ALSO
docidx_lang_cmdref, docidx_lang_intro, docidx_lang_syntax KEYWORDS
docidx commands, docidx language, docidx markup, docidx syntax, examples, faq, markup, semantic markup CATEGORY
Documentation tools COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries <> doctools 1.0 docidx_lang_faq(n)
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