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canvas_zoom(n) [osx man page]

canvas::zoom(n) 					      Variations on a canvas						   canvas::zoom(n)


canvas::zoom - Zoom control for canvas::sqmap SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk 8.4 package require snit package require uevent::onidle package require canvas::zoom ?0.2.1? ::canvas::zoom pathName ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This package provides a widget to enable the user of a map display to control the zoom level. API
::canvas::zoom pathName ?options? Creates the zoom control widget pathName and configures it. The methods and options supported by the new widget are described in the following sections. The result of the command is pathName. OPTIONS -orient The value for this option is either vertical, or horizontal, specifying the orientation of the major axis of the widget. The default is vertical. -levels The value for this option is a non-negative integer. It specifies the number of zoom levels to support. -variable The value for this option is the name of a global or namespaced variable which is connected with the widget. changes to the zoom level made the widget are propagated to this variable, and in turn changes to the variable are imported into the widget. -command This option specifies a command prefix. This callback will be invoked whenever the zoom level is changed. It is called with two additional arguments, the zoom control widget, and the new zoom level, in this order. METHODS The widget supports no methods beyond the standard (configure, cget, etc.). KEYWORDS
zoom canvas 0.2.1 canvas::zoom(n)

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map::slippy(n)							 Mapping utilities						    map::slippy(n)


map::slippy - Common code for slippy based map packages SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk 8.4 package require map::slippy ?0.3? ::map::slippy length level ::map::slippy tiles level ::map::slippy tile size ::map::slippy tile valid tile levels ?msgvar? ::map::slippy geo 2tile geo ::map::slippy geo 2point geo ::map::slippy tile 2geo tile ::map::slippy tile 2point tile ::map::slippy point 2geo point ::map::slippy point 2tile point _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This package provides a number of methods doing things needed by all types of slippy-based map packages. API
::map::slippy length level This method returns the width/height of a slippy-based map at the specified zoom level, in pixels. This is, in essence, the result of expr { [tiles $level] * [tile size] } ::map::slippy tiles level This method returns the width/height of a slippy-based map at the specified zoom level, in tiles. ::map::slippy tile size This method returns the width/height of a tile in a slippy-based map, in pixels. ::map::slippy tile valid tile levels ?msgvar? This method checks whether tile described a valid tile in a slippy-based map containing that many zoom levels. The result is a bool- ean value, true if the tile is valid, and false otherwise. For the latter a message is left in the variable named by msgvar, should it be specified. A tile identifier as stored in tile is a list containing zoom level, tile row, and tile column, in this order. The command essen- tially checks this, i.e. the syntax, that the zoom level is between 0 and "levels-1", and that the row/col information is within the boundaries for the zoom level, i.e. 0 ... "[tiles $zoom]-1". ::map::slippy geo 2tile geo Converts a geographical location at a zoom level (geo, a list containing zoom level, latitude, and longitude, in this order) to a tile identifier (list containing zoom level, row, and column) at that level. ::map::slippy geo 2point geo Converts a geographical location at a zoom level (geo, a list containing zoom level, latitude, and longitude, in this order) to a pixel position (list containing zoom level, y, and x) at that level. ::map::slippy tile 2geo tile Converts a tile identifier at a zoom level (tile, list containing zoom level, row, and column) to a geographical location (list con- taining zoom level, latitude, and longitude, in this order) at that level. ::map::slippy tile 2point tile Converts a tile identifier at a zoom level (tile, a list containing zoom level, row, and column, in this order) to a pixel position (list containing zoom level, y, and x) at that level. ::map::slippy point 2geo point Converts a pixel position at a zoom level (point, list containing zoom level, y, and x) to a geographical location (list containing zoom level, latitude, and longitude, in this order) at that level. ::map::slippy point 2tile point Converts a pixel position at a zoom level (point, a list containing zoom level, y, and x, in this order) to a tile identifier (list containing zoom level, row, and column) at that level. REFERENCES
geodesy, geography, latitute, location, longitude, map, slippy, zoom map 0.3 map::slippy(n)
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