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ddi_in_panic(9f) [osx man page]

ddi_in_panic(9F)					   Kernel Functions for Drivers 					  ddi_in_panic(9F)

ddi_in_panic - determine if system is in panic state SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/ddi.h> #include <sys/sunddi.h> int ddi_in_panic(void); INTERFACE LEVEL
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI). DESCRIPTION
Drivers controlling devices on which the system may write a kernel crash dump in the event of a panic can call ddi_in_panic() to determine if the system is panicking. When the system is panicking, the calls of functions scheduled by timeout(9F) and ddi_trigger_softintr(9F) will never occur. Neither can delay(9F) be relied upon, since it is implemented via timeout(9F). Drivers that need to enforce a time delay such as SCSI bus reset delay time must busy-wait when the system is panicking. RETURN VALUES
ddi_in_panic() returns 1 if the system is in panic, or 0 otherwise. CONTEXT
ddi_in_panic() may be called from any context. SEE ALSO
dump(9E), delay(9F), ddi_trigger_softintr(9F), timeout(9F) Writing Device Drivers SunOS 5.10 23 Jun 1997 ddi_in_panic(9F)

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ddi_in_panic(9F)					   Kernel Functions for Drivers 					  ddi_in_panic(9F)

ddi_in_panic - determine if system is in panic state SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/ddi.h> #include <sys/sunddi.h> int ddi_in_panic(void); INTERFACE LEVEL
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI). DESCRIPTION
Drivers controlling devices on which the system may write a kernel crash dump in the event of a panic can call ddi_in_panic() to determine if the system is panicking. When the system is panicking, the calls of functions scheduled by timeout(9F) and ddi_trigger_softintr(9F) will never occur. Neither can delay(9F) be relied upon, since it is implemented via timeout(9F). Drivers that need to enforce a time delay such as SCSI bus reset delay time must busy-wait when the system is panicking. RETURN VALUES
ddi_in_panic() returns 1 if the system is in panic, or 0 otherwise. CONTEXT
ddi_in_panic() may be called from any context. SEE ALSO
dump(9E), delay(9F), ddi_trigger_softintr(9F), timeout(9F) Writing Device Drivers SunOS 5.11 23 Jun 1997 ddi_in_panic(9F)
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