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vop_readdir(9) [osx man page]

VOP_READDIR(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual					    VOP_READDIR(9)

VOP_READDIR -- read contents of a directory SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/dirent.h> #include <sys/vnode.h> int VOP_READDIR(struct vnode *vp, struct uio *uio, struct ucred *cred, int *eofflag, int *ncookies, u_long **cookies); DESCRIPTION
Read directory entries. vp The vnode of the directory. uio Where to read the directory contents. cred The caller's credentials. eofflag Return end of file status (NULL if not wanted). ncookies Number of directory cookies generated for NFS (NULL if not wanted). cookies Directory seek cookies generated for NFS (NULL if not wanted). The directory contents are read into struct dirent structures. If the on-disc data structures differ from this then they should be trans- lated. LOCKS
The directory should be locked on entry and will still be locked on exit. RETURN VALUES
Zero is returned on success, otherwise an error code is returned. If this is called from the NFS server, the extra arguments eofflag, ncookies and cookies are given. The value of *eofflag should be set to TRUE if the end of the directory is reached while reading. The directory seek cookies are returned to the NFS client and may be used later to restart a directory read part way through the directory. There should be one cookie returned per directory entry. The value of the cookie should be the offset within the directory where the on-disc version of the appropriate directory entry starts. Memory for the cookies should be allocated using: ...; *ncookies = number of entries read; *cookies = (u_int*)# malloc(*ncookies * sizeof(u_int), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); ERRORS
[EINVAL] An attempt was made to read from an illegal offset in the directory. [EIO] A read error occurred while reading the directory. SEE ALSO
vnode(9) AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Doug Rabson. BSD
July 24, 1996 BSD

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VOP_READDIR(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual					    VOP_READDIR(9)

VOP_READDIR -- read contents of a directory SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/dirent.h> #include <sys/vnode.h> int VOP_READDIR(struct vnode *vp, struct uio *uio, struct ucred *cred, int *eofflag, int *ncookies, u_long **cookies); DESCRIPTION
Read directory entries. vp The vnode of the directory. uio Where to read the directory contents. cred The caller's credentials. eofflag Return end of file status (NULL if not wanted). ncookies Number of directory cookies generated for NFS (NULL if not wanted). cookies Directory seek cookies generated for NFS (NULL if not wanted). The directory contents are read into struct dirent structures. If the on-disc data structures differ from this then they should be trans- lated. LOCKS
The directory should be locked on entry and will still be locked on exit. RETURN VALUES
Zero is returned on success, otherwise an error code is returned. If this is called from the NFS server, the extra arguments eofflag, ncookies and cookies are given. The value of *eofflag should be set to TRUE if the end of the directory is reached while reading. The directory seek cookies are returned to the NFS client and may be used later to restart a directory read part way through the directory. There should be one cookie returned per directory entry. The value of the cookie should be the offset within the directory where the on-disc version of the appropriate directory entry starts. Memory for the cookies should be allocated using: ...; *ncookies = number of entries read; *cookies = malloc(*ncookies * sizeof(u_long), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); ERRORS
[EINVAL] An attempt was made to read from an illegal offset in the directory. [EIO] A read error occurred while reading the directory. SEE ALSO
vnode(9) AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Doug Rabson. BSD
July 24, 1996 BSD
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