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vifs(8) [osx man page]

VIFS(8) 						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						   VIFS(8)

vifs -- safely edit fstab SYNOPSIS
The vifs utility simply locks the fstab file before invoking an editor on it. This is important to facilitate the modification of fstab by automated tools and system management software. Always use vifs to edit fstab, instead of invoking an editor directly. SEE ALSO
vi(1), fstab(5) HISTORY
The vifs utility originates from Mac OSX 10.5. BSD
November 18, 2005 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

QUOTAON(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						QUOTAON(8)

quotaon, quotaoff -- turn filesystem quotas on and off SYNOPSIS
quotaon [-g] [-u] [-v] filesystem ... quotaon [-g] [-u] [-v] -a quotaoff [-g] [-u] [-v] filesystem ... quotaoff [-g] [-u] [-v] -a DESCRIPTION
quotaon announces to the system that disk quotas should be enabled on one or more filesystems. quotaoff announces to the system that the specified filesystems should have any disk quotas turned off. The filesystems specified must have entries in /etc/fstab and be mounted. quotaon expects each filesystem to have quota files named quota.user and which are located at the root of the associated file system. These defaults may be overridden in /etc/fstab. By default both user and group quotas are enabled. Available options: -a If the -a flag is supplied in place of any filesystem names, quotaon/quotaoff will enable/disable all the filesystems indicated in /etc/fstab to be read-write with disk quotas. By default only the types of quotas listed in /etc/fstab are enabled. -g Only group quotas listed in /etc/fstab should be enabled/disabled. -u Only user quotas listed in /etc/fstab should be enabled/disabled. -v Causes quotaon and quotaoff to print a message for each filesystem where quotas are turned on or off. Specifying both -g and -u is equivalent to the default. FILES
quota.user at the filesystem root with user quotas at the filesystem root with group quotas /etc/fstab filesystem table SEE ALSO
quota(1), libquota(3), fstab(5), edquota(8), quotacheck(8), repquota(8) HISTORY
The quotaon command appeared in 4.2BSD. BSD
December 11, 1993 BSD
Man Page

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