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vgimportclone(8) [osx man page]

VGIMPORTCLONE(8)					      System Manager's Manual						  VGIMPORTCLONE(8)

vgimportclone - import and rename duplicated volume group (e.g. a hardware snapshot) SYNOPSIS
vgimportclone [-n|--basevgname VolumeGroupName] [-i|--import] PhysicalVolume [PhysicalVolume...] DESCRIPTION
vgimportclone is used to import a duplicated VG (e.g. hardware snapshot). Duplicate VG(s) and PV(s) are not able to be used until they are made to coexist with the origin VG(s) and PV(s). vgimportclone renames the VG associated with the specified PV(s) and changes the associ- ated VG and PV UUIDs. OPTIONS
See lvm for common options. -n|--basevgname VolumeGroupName By default the snapshot VG will be renamed to the original name plus a numeric suffix to avoid duplicate naming (e.g. 'test_vg' would be renamed to 'test_vg1'). This option will override the base VG name that is used for all VG renames. If a VG already exists with the specified name a numeric suffix will be added (like the previous example) to make it unique. -i|--import Import exported Volume Groups. Otherwise VGs that have been exported will not be changed (nor will their associated PVs). ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
LVM_BINARY The LVM2 binary to use. Defaults to "lvm". EXAMPLES
The origin VG vg00 has origin PVs /dev/sda and /dev/sdb and the respective snapshot PVs are /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd. To rename the VG asso- ciated with /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd from vg00 to vg00_snap (and to change associated VG and PV UUIDs) do: vgimportclone --basevgname vg00_snap /dev/sdc /dev/sdd SEE ALSO
lvm(8) Red Hat, Inc. LVM TOOLS 2.02.95(2) (2012-03-06) VGIMPORTCLONE(8)

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VGIMPORTCLONE(8)                                              System Manager's Manual                                             VGIMPORTCLONE(8)

vgimportclone - import and rename duplicated volume group (e.g. a hardware snapshot) SYNOPSIS
vgimportclone [-n|--basevgname VolumeGroupName] [-i|--import] PhysicalVolume [PhysicalVolume...] DESCRIPTION
vgimportclone is used to import a duplicated VG (e.g. hardware snapshot). Duplicate VG(s) and PV(s) are not able to be used until they are made to coexist with the origin VG(s) and PV(s). vgimportclone renames the VG associated with the specified PV(s) and changes the associ- ated VG and PV UUIDs. OPTIONS
See lvm for common options. -n|--basevgname VolumeGroupName By default the snapshot VG will be renamed to the original name plus a numeric suffix to avoid duplicate naming (e.g. 'test_vg' would be renamed to 'test_vg1'). This option will override the base VG name that is used for all VG renames. If a VG already exists with the specified name a numeric suffix will be added (like the previous example) to make it unique. -i|--import Import exported Volume Groups. Otherwise VGs that have been exported will not be changed (nor will their associated PVs). ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
LVM_BINARY The LVM2 binary to use. Defaults to "lvm". EXAMPLES
The origin VG vg00 has origin PVs /dev/sda and /dev/sdb and the respective snapshot PVs are /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd. To rename the VG asso- ciated with /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd from vg00 to vg00_snap (and to change associated VG and PV UUIDs) do: vgimportclone --basevgname vg00_snap /dev/sdc /dev/sdd SEE ALSO
lvm(8) Red Hat, Inc. LVM TOOLS 2.02.95(2) (2012-03-06) VGIMPORTCLONE(8)
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