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systemstarter(8) [osx man page]

SystemStarter(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					  SystemStarter(8)

SystemStarter -- Start, stop, and restart system services SYNOPSIS
SystemStarter [-gvxdDqn] [action [service]] DESCRIPTION
The SystemStarter utility is deprecated. System services should instead be described by a launchd.plist(5). See launchd(8) for more details. The launchd utility is available on Mac OS X 10.4 and later. In earlier versions of Mac OS X, the SystemStarter utility is used to start, stop, and restart the system services which are described in the /Library/StartupItems/ and /System/Library/StartupItems/ paths. The optional action argument specifies which action SystemStarter performs on the startup items. The optional service argument specifies which startup items to perform the action on. If no service is specified, all startup items will be acted on; otherwise, only the item pro- viding the service, any items it requires, or any items that depend on it will be acted on. During boot SystemStarter is invoked by launchd(8) and is responsible for starting all startup items in an order that satisfies each item's requirements. ACTIONS
start start all items, or start the item that provides the specified service and all items providing services it requires. stop stop all items, or stop the item that provides the specified service and all items that depend on it. restart restart all items, or restart the item providing the specified service. OPTIONS
-g (ignored) -v verbose (text mode) startup -x (ignored) -r (ignored) -d print debugging output -D print debugging output and dependencies -q be quiet (disable debugging output) -n don't actually perform action on items (no-run mode) NOTES
Unless an explicit call to ConsoleMessage is made, SystemStarter examines the exit status of the startup item scripts to determine the suc- cess or failure of the services provided by that script. FILES
/Library/StartupItems/ User-installed startup items. /System/Library/StartupItems/ System-provided startup items. SEE ALSO
ConsoleMessage(8), launchd(8), launchd.plist(5), rc(8) HISTORY
The SystemStarter utility appeared in Darwin 1.0 and was extended in Darwin 6.0 to support partial startup and interprocess communication. SystemStarter was deprecated by launchd(8) in Darwin 8.0. Darwin April 12, 2002 Darwin

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rpcsvchost(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					     rpcsvchost(8)

rpcsvchost -- hosting environment for DCE/RPC services SYNOPSIS
rpcsvchost [options] service [service ...] DESCRIPTION
rpcsvchost is a very simple environment for hosting DCE/RPC services. It loads DCE/RPC services from the list of plugins given as arguments, binds to an appropriate set of endpoints and listens for protocol requests. If service is not a relative file name, it is assumed to be the name of a dylib located in /usr/lib/rpcsvc. OPTIONS
-debug, -nodebug rpcsvchost will log debug information and may perform extra diagnostic checks. This option is typically only useful for debugging. -endpoints BINDING [,BINDING] This argument specifies additional endpoints that rpcsvchost should attempt to bind. BINDING must be a comma-separated list of DCE/RPC binding strings that include both the protocol sequence and endpoint fields. -help Prints a usage message and exits. -launchd, -nolaunchd Normally, rpcsvchost attempts to bind all the well-known endpoints specified by the service plugins. If there are no well-known endpoints, it will bind new endpoints on all supported protocol sequences. The -launchd option disables this behavior and causes rpcsvchost to check in with launchd(8) to obtain a set of sockets to bind as protocol endpoints. Launchd sockets vended to rpcsvchost must be named with the appropriate DCE/RPC protocol sequence (eg. "ncacn_np"). -sandbox, -nosandbox When this option is specified, the modules loaded by rpcsvchost will be run in a sandbox. rpcsvchost will attempt to intialize the sandbox using the sandbox profile with the name<module-name>.sb. See sandbox(7) for an overview of the sandbox facility. -register, -noregister When this option is specified, rpcsvchost attempts to register the loaded services with the DCE/RPC endpoint mapper. -stdout Causes rpcsvchost to print log messages to standard output instead of the system log. -wait-for-debugger Causes rpcsvchost to wait for a debugger to attach after it has loaded and initialized its plugins. This is useful for debugging instances of rpcsvchost that are launched by launchd(8). DIAGNOSTICS
The rpcsvchost utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
launchd.plist(5), launchd(8), sandbox(7) HISTORY
The rpcsvchost utility first appeared in Mac OS 10.7. Darwin June 1, 2019 Darwin
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