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scselect(8) [osx man page]

SCSELECT(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       SCSELECT(8)

scselect -- Select system configuration "location" SYNOPSIS
scselect [-n] [new-location-name] DESCRIPTION
scselect provides access to the system configuration sets, commonly referred to as "locations". When invoked with no arguments, scselect displays the names and associated identifiers for each defined "location" and indicates which is currently active. scselect also allows the user to select or change the active "location" by specifying its name or identifier. Changing the "location" causes an immediate system re- configuration, unless the -n option is supplied. At present, the majority of preferences associated with a "location" relate to the system's network configuration. The command line options are as follows: -n Delay changing the system's "location" until the next system boot (or the next time that the system configuration preferences are changed). new-location-name If not specified, a list of the available "location" names and associated identifiers will be reported on standard output. If specified, this argument is matched with the "location" names and identifiers and the matching set is activated. SEE ALSO
configd(8) HISTORY
The scselect command appeared in Mac OS X Public Beta. Mac OS X November 4, 2003 Mac OS X

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MOUNT_NTFS(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					     MOUNT_NTFS(8)

mount_ntfs -- mount an NTFS file system SYNOPSIS
mount_ntfs [-s] [-o options] special node DESCRIPTION
The mount_ntfs command attaches the NTFS file system residing on the device special to the global file system namespace at the location indi- cated by node. This command is normally executed by mount(8) at boot time, but can be used by any user to mount an NTFS file system on any directory that they own (provided, of course, that they have appropriate access to the device that contains the file system). The options are as follows: -s Mount the volume using case sensitive semantics. This means that you can create files that have names that only differ in case such as for example "foo" and "Foo". Without this option the volume is mounted using case insensitive semantics in which case if you cre- ate a file with name "foo" you then cannot create a file named "Foo" or rather if you do create a file named "Foo" it would overwrite the existing file "foo". -o Options are specified with a -o flag followed by a comma separated string of options. See the mount(8) man page for possible options and their meanings. SEE ALSO
mount(2), unmount(2), fstab(5), mount(8) HISTORY
This NTFS implementation first appeared in Mac OS X 10.5. AUTHORS
This NTFS implementation was written by Anton Altaparmakov <>. Mac OS X September 12, 2008 Mac OS X
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