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radiusconfig(8) [osx man page]

radiusconfig(8) 					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					   radiusconfig(8)

radiusconfig -- tool to configure radiusd SYNOPSIS
radiusconfig command [command-options] [-q] DESCRIPTION
radiusconfig is a utility for configuring radiusd and its configuration files. It must be run by root. USAGE
-q Suppress prompts. Queries -getconfig [RADIUS-DB-Directory] Returns configuration data from radiusd.conf and eap.conf in plist format. Reads the configuration files from /etc/raddb unless RADIUS-DB- Directory is specified. -getconfigxml [RADIUS-DB-Directory] Returns configuration data from radiusd.conf and eap.conf in xml plist format. Reads the configuration files from /etc/raddb unless RADIUS- DB-Directory is specified. -nascount Returns the number of RADIUS clients. -naslist [--with-status] Returns the list of RADIUS clients in plist format. If the --with-status option is used, an IMCP ping is sent to each client and the responses, or lack thereof, are included in the results. -naslistxml [--with-status] Returns the list of RADIUS clients in xml plist format. If the --with-status option is used, an IMCP ping is sent to each client and the responses, or lack thereof, are included in the results. -help Print usage information. -ver Displays version information. Setup ---capture-base-station base-station-IP primary-RADIUS-IP [secondary=IP] [wpa-key-timeout=minutes] [wait-for-restart] Pairs an Airport Base Station to a RADIUS server. The shared secret is set in the RADIUS client database and on the base station. -disable-tls Changes eap.conf to contain a commented-out TLS section. -enable-tls Changes eap.conf to contain an active TLS section. -installcerts private-key certificate [trusted-ca-list [yes | no [common-name]]] Changes eap.conf to contain an active TLS section and configures the certificates. The yes or no option specifies whether or not to check a certificate revocation list. The random file is replaced and the dh file is created if absent. -addclient nas-name shortname [type] Adds a client. -importclients xml-plist-file Imports a list of clients from a file. -removeclient nas-name [nas-name ...] Removes a client. -setconfig key value [key value ...] Sets parameters in the radiusd.conf and eap.conf files. -setgroup nas-name group-name Assigns an access control group for a specific client of the RADIUS server. -rotatelog [-n file-count] base-file Preserves file-count log files. -autorotatelog [on | off | status] [-n file-count] Configures a periodic task to rotate the radius logs on a daily basis. -getssid host Queries the base station at the host address for its WiFi network name (SSID). -start Tells launchd to keep RADIUS running. -stop Disables RADIUS in launchd. FILES
/usr/sbin/radiusconfig /etc/raddb/eap.conf /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf SEE ALSO
radiusd(8) MacOSX June 2, 2019 MacOSX

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RADTEST(1)							 FreeRADIUS Daemon							RADTEST(1)

radtest - send packets to a RADIUS server, show reply SYNOPSIS
radtest [-d raddb_directory] [-t pap/chap/mschap] [-x ] [-4 ] [-6 ] user password radius-server nas-port-number secret [ppphint] [nasname] DESCRIPTION
radtest is a frontend to radclient(1). It generates a list of attribute/value pairs based on the command line arguments, and feeds these into radclient. It's a fast and convenient way to test a radius server. OPTIONS
-d raddb_directory The directory that contains the RADIUS dictionary files. Defaults to /etc/raddb. -t pap/chap/mschap/eap-md5 Choose the authentiction method to use. e.g. "-t pap", "-t chap", "-t mschap", or "-t eap-md5",. Defaults to "pap". Using EAP-MD5 requires that the "radeapclient" program is installed. -x Enables debugging output for the RADIUS client. -4 Use NAS-IP-Address for the NAS address (default) -6 Use NAS-IPv6-Address for the NAS address (default) user Username to send. password Password of the user. radius-server Hostname or IP address of the radius server. Optionally, you may specify a port by appending :port nas-port-number The value of the NAS-Port attribute. Is an integer between 0 and 2^31, and it really doesn't matter what you put here. 10 will do fine. secret The shared secret for this client. ppphint If you put an integer > 0 here, radtest (or actually radclient) will add the attribute Framed-Protocol = PPP to the request packet. nasname If present, this will be resolved to an IP address and added to the request packet as the NAS-IP-Address attribute. If you don't specify it, the local hostname of the system will be used. SEE ALSO
radiusd(8), radclient(1). AUTHOR
Miquel van Smoorenburg, 5 April 2010 RADTEST(1)
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