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ptmd(8) [osx man page]

ptmd(8) 						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						   ptmd(8)

ptmd -- platform thermal monitor daemon. SYNOPSIS
The ptmd daemon is automatically launched via its LaunchDaemon configuration file. On platforms that require its services ptmd stays running. On other platforms ptmd starts and then exits. While running ptmd relays to hardware any OS notifications effecting thermal conditions. FILES
/usr/libexec/ptmd The daemon /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ The launchd configuration plist /usr/share/man/man1/ptmd.8 This man page Darwin May 31, 2019 Darwin

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AUTOMOUNTD(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					     AUTOMOUNTD(8)

automountd -- automatic mount / unmount daemon for autofs SYNOPSIS
/usr/libexec/automountd [-v] [-n] [-T] [-o opts] [-D name=value] DESCRIPTION
automountd is a daemon that responds to requests from autofs to mount and unmount network filesystems, and to supply the contents of directo- ries, based on the contents of automounter maps. The automountd is started on demand by launchd(8). As the daemon is launched by launchd, the options below would be specified in the ProgramArguments key in the launchd plist for automountd. See FILES below. OPTIONS
-v Log to syslogd(8) more detailed information about actions taken by automountd. -n Disable browsing of all maps. -T Increase by 1 the logging level for messages printed to the standard output information about requests received from autofs, process- ing done for those requests, and replies sent to autofs. The default level of 0 causes no information to be logged; each higher value causes more information to be logged. -o opts Apply the options specified by opts to all mounts by default. The options for a particular mount can override these options. -D name=value Set the environment value specified by name to the specified value. Environment variables can be referred to in map entries; the value of the environment variable is substituted for the reference to the variable. FILES
/etc/autofs.conf configuration file used to manage automountd /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ launchd plist SEE ALSO
auto_master(5), autofsd(8), automount(8), autofs.conf(5), mount(8), mount_nfs(8), launchd(8), launchd.plist(5) Darwin April 4, 2007 Darwin
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