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pbs(8) [osx man page]

PBS(8)							    BSD System Manager's Manual 						    PBS(8)

pbs -- general helper tool SYNOPSIS
pbs [-debug] [-dump_pboard] [-dump_userdefs] [-flush_pboard] [-flush_userdefs] [-existing_languages] language1 language2 ... DESCRIPTION
pbs is an agent for the Services menu. It scans for and vends available Services, to populate the Services menu. pbs is NOT related to the pasteboard. The pasteboard is managed by the pboard agent. pbs normally runs the first time Services are needed in any login session. You may run it manually for debugging Services. If run without any options, pbs will scan for changed Services, cache them along with their English localization on a private pasteboard, and immediately update the Services menu in all running apps. It will also log about any invalid Services declarations in Info.plist. This is useful when developing or testing Services, because it immediately applies any changes. ServicesMenu.strings files for a localization are loaded only when an app running under that localization shows the Services menu. You may pass pbs language codes (e.g. "fr") to cause it to load that localization immediately. You may also pass the flag -existing_languages to reload already loaded localizations. pbs has additional options that are useful for debugging, in particular the -dump_pboard option. The complete list of options is: -debug Output debugging information regarding what pbs is doing. -dump_pboard Prints the private pasteboard containing the current Services information. You can use this to determine which apps are providing Ser- vices and where they are located on the filesystem. -dump_userdefs Prints the userdef cache of Services information. pbs caches Services information in its userdefs to avoid scanning the entire system every boot. Changed apps are still detected via FSEvents, so there is no need to flush the userdef cache when installing a new Service. -flush_pboard Erases the private pasteboard containing Services information. The next time the Services menu is shown, pbs will scan for changed Ser- vices and update the pasteboard. -flush_userdefs Erases the userdef cache. -flush Equivalent to -flush_pboard and -flush_userdefs, entirely resetting pbs. The next time Services information is needed, pbs will do a com- plete rescan for apps vending Services, and read their plist. Note: this rescan may be very expensive! HISTORY
First appeared in NextStep. pbs has historically had responsibilities that ranged from pasteboard management to Unicode glyph generation, but now it only does Services. Mac OS X June 1, 2006 Mac OS X

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ncweb(1M)																 ncweb(1M)

ncweb - launch the Network Interfaces Configuration and Network Services Configuration tools of HP System Management Homepage (HP SMH) SYNOPSIS
The Network Interfaces Configuration and Network Services Configuration tools are system management tools that manage a system by configur- ing network interfaces and network services on HP-UX installed systems. These tools provide both Web-based user interface (GUI) and termi- nal user interface (TUI). The command can launch both the terminal user interface (TUI) and the Web-based interface (GUI) of the Network Interfaces Configuration and Network Services Configuration tools. In the case of TUI, the command launches the Networking and Communications window, from where the user (superuser) can select Network Interfaces Configuration or Network Services Configuration. In the case of GUI, the command launches the Tools page of HP SMH, from where the user (superuser) can select Network Interfaces Configuration or Network Services Configuration. You must have superuser privileges to access the Network Interfaces Configuration and the Network Services Configuration tools. With the Network Interfaces Configuration tool, you can configure the following network interfaces: o Auto Port Aggregation (APA) o Network Interface Cards (NIC) o Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) o Virtual LAN (VLAN) o Tunnels Note: APA and VLAN network interfaces are displayed only if the products are installed on the HP-UX system. With the Network Services Configuration tool, you can configure the following network services: o Bootable Devices o DHCPv6 o DNS (BIND) o Hosts o NIS o Name Service Switch o Network Services o Networked File Systems o Routes o System Access o Time When you run it attempts to connect to a Mozilla Web browser running on the X server defined by the environment variable. If finds a run- ning Mozilla client, it uses that client. Otherwise, initiates a new Mozilla session. The new session is initiated only if the Mozilla process is running in the same system as that referenced by the variable, unless the option is used. Note: By default, invokes the Mozilla Web browser. To support any other browser (for example, Netscape), set the environment variable as shown below: The command opens the terminal user interface if any of the following conditions are true: o The command is invoked with the option. o The environment variable is not set. The command opens the Web-based interface if all the following conditions are true: o The command is invoked with option. o The environment variable is set. o The command is available on the system. If the command cannot open the Web-based interface, the command opens the terminal user interface. Options recognizes the following options: Force a client browser to be used in less secure ways. The option forces the use of a client browser, even when the X-traffic between the X-server and the Mozilla browser is not secure. Use the option only when the network traffic between the host where Mozilla is running and the host in the environ- ment variable is secure. The option causes to invoke the Web-based interface of the Network Interfaces Configuration and Network Services Configura- tion tools. If cannot start the Web browser, it starts the terminal interface. Generate a temporary login bypass key. The bypass key enables the privileged user to access the Web interface without having to provide login information again. The option causes to invoke the Web-based interface of the Network Interfaces Configuration and Network Services Configura- tion tools. Open the terminal user interface for managing network interfaces and network services regardless of the current setting of the environment variable. Other Ways to Start the Tools You can also start the Network Interfaces Configuration and Network Services Configuration tools using one of the following methods: o Invoke and select the functional area to launch the terminal user interface or press on the keyboard to launch the Web-based interface. o Type the URL in the address bar of the Web browser to open the Web-based interface. The hostname is the name of the server. o Open the HP-UX Systems Insight Manager on the server and select the Network Configuration tool from the Online Help The online help is available after the Network Interfaces Configuration tool or Network Services Configuration tool is open. The online help provides information on how to use the tool. RETURN VALUES
Upon completion, returns one of the following values: Successful Error Occurred AUTHOR
was developed by Hewlett-Packard. SEE ALSO
sam(1M), smh(1M). ncweb(1M)
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