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pam_ntlm(8) [osx man page]

PAM_KRB5(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       PAM_KRB5(8)

pam_ntlm -- NTLM PAM module SYNOPSIS
[service-name] function-class control-flag pam_krb5 [options] DESCRIPTION
The NTLM PAM module supports the storing NTLM credentials as part of pam_setcred(), add pam_ntlm as an auth parameter. In terms of the function-class parameter, its are ``auth''. NTLM Authentication Module The NTLM component provides functions to store the NTLM credentials as a side effect of login (pam_sm_setcred()). pam_sm_setcred() function stores the credentials in a credentials cache. SEE ALSO
pam.conf(5), pam(8) BSD
January 15, 1999 BSD

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pam_sm_setcred(3)					     Library Functions Manual						 pam_sm_setcred(3)

pam_sm_setcred - Service provider implementation for pam_setcred SYNOPSIS
[ flag ... ] file ... [ library ... ] DESCRIPTION
In response to a call to the PAM framework calls from the modules listed in the pam.conf(4) file. The authentication provider supplies the back-end functionality for this interface function. is called to set the credentials of the current user associated with the authentication handle, pamh. The following flags may be set in the flags field. Note that the first four flags are mutually exclusive: Set user credentials for the authentication service. Delete user credentials associated with the authentication service. Reinitialize user credentials. Extend lifetime of user credentials. Authentication service should not generate messages. If none of these flags are set, is used as the default. The argc argument represents the number of module options passed in from the configuration file pam.conf(4). argv specifies the module options, which are interpreted and processed by the authentication service. If an unknown option is passed to the module, an error should be logged and the option ignored. If the flag is not set, then should print any failure status from the corresponding function using the conversation function. The authentication status (success or reason for failure) is saved as module-specific state in the authentication handle by the authentica- tion module. The status should be retrieved using and used to determine if user credentials should be set. Notes is passed the same module options that are used by APPLICATION USAGE
Refer to pam(3) for information on thread-safety of PAM interfaces. RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, should be returned. The following values may also be returned upon error: Underlying authentication service can not retrieve user credentials. User credentials have expired. User unknown to the authentication service. Failure in setting user credentials. Ignore underlying authentication module regardless of whether the control flag is or SEE ALSO
pam(3), pam_authenticate(3), pam_setcred(3), pam_sm_authenticate(3), pam.conf(4). pam_sm_setcred(3)
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