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pam_mount(8) [osx man page]

pam_mount(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					      pam_mount(8)

pam_mount -- Home Folder Mounting PAM module SYNOPSIS
[service-name] function-class control-flag pam_mount [options] DESCRIPTION
The Home Folder Mounting PAM module supports the authentication and session management function classes. In terms of the function-class parameter, these are ``auth'' and ``session'' respectively. The Home Folder Mounting Authentication Module The Home Folder Mounting authentication module reads the mount authenticator from the PAM authentication context and caches it in the PAM environment. The Home Folder Mounting Session Management Module must be used in conjunction with this module to remove the authenticator from the PAM environment. The Home Folder Mounting Session Management Module The Home Folder Mounting session management module copies the mount authenticator from the PAM environment, removes it from the PAM environ- ment, and uses its copy to mount the user's home folder if the user's OpenDirectory record indicates that an AFP, SMB, NFS or FileVault home folder is to be used. When the session is closed, the Home Folder Mounting session management module unmounts the user's home folder if it was mounted by this mod- ule when the session was opened. SEE ALSO
pam.conf(5), pam(8), DirectoryService(8) BSD
February 7, 2009 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

pam_opendirectory(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 				      pam_opendirectory(8)

pam_opendirectory -- OpenDirectory PAM module SYNOPSIS
[service-name] function-class control-flag pam_opendirectory [options] DESCRIPTION
The OpenDirectory PAM module supports the authentication, account management and password management function classes. In terms of the function-class parameter, these are ``auth'', ``account'' and ``password'' respectively. The OpenDirectory Authentication Module The OpenDirectory authentication module permits or denies users based on OpenDirectory password authentication. The following option may be passed to this authentication module: nullok Allow null passwords. The OpenDirectory Account Management Module The OpenDirectory account management module permits or denies users based whether the account is enabled in OpenDirectory. The following option may be passed to this account management module: no_check_shell Skip validating the user's shell. no_check_home Skip validating the user's home directory. refresh=min Sets the mbr_check_membership(3) cache timeout to min minutes. When this option is used, the min value must be specified, and it must be an integer. The OpenDirectory Password Management Module The OpenDirectory password management module supports password changing and enforces the OpenDirectory password policy. SEE ALSO
mbr_check_membership(3), pam.conf(5), pam(8), pwpolicy(8), DirectoryService(8) BSD
February 7, 2009 BSD
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