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od_user_homes(8) [osx man page]

OD_USER_HOMES(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					  OD_USER_HOMES(8)

od_user_homes -- executable map program for auto_home records synthesized from user records SYNOPSIS
/usr/libexec/od_user_homes [username] DESCRIPTION
od_user_homes is a program that takes a user name specified by username and, if there's a user record for that user in Open Directory, and that user record contains a HomeDirectory attribute, and the <path> portion of the HomeDirectory attribute is empty or just /, prints the URL from that attribute, and exits with an exit status of 0. If there is no user record for that user, or the user record doesn't contain a HomeDirectory attribute, or the <path> portion is neither empty nor just /, or if an error occurs, nothing is printed, and od_user_homes exits with a user status of 1. This is intended to be used as an executable map for auto_home. SEE ALSO
auto_master(5), automountd(8) Darwin September 6, 2010 Darwin

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dsexport(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					       dsexport(1)

dsexport -- export records from OpenDirectory SYNOPSIS
dsexport [--N] [-r record_list] [-e exclude_attributes] [-a address -u username [-p password]] output_file node_path record_type DESCRIPTION
The dsexport utility exports records from Open Directory. The first argument is the path to the output file. If the file already exists it will be overwritten. The second argument is the path to the OpenDirectory node from which the records will be read. The third argument is the type of record to export. If the record type does not begin with 'dsRecTypeStandard:' or 'dsRecTypeNative:', the dsexport utility will determine if the node supports a standard attribute by the specified name; otherwise, dsexport will assume that the record type is native. A warning will be printed if the record type is converted. Standard record types can be listed using the following command: 'dscl -raw . -list /'. OPTIONS
The options are as follows: --N Export all attributes, including native attributes. By default, dsexport only exports standard attributes. -r record_list Comma-separated list of records to export from the specified node. The -r option may be used multiple times to specify additional records to export. If the -r option is not specified, dsexport will attempt to export all records. -e exclude Comma-separated list of attributes that should not be exported. The -e option may be used multiple times to specify additional attributes to exclude. The following attributes are always excluded: 'dsAttrTypeStandard:AppleMetaNodeLocation', 'dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordType', 'dsAttrTypeNative:objectClass'. -a address Address of the desired proxy machine. -u username Username to use for the proxy connection -p password Password to use for the proxy connection. If the -p option is not specified, dsexport will interactively prompt for the password. NOTES
When using an LDAP node, please be aware that dsexport can only export as many records as the LDAP server is willing to return. If the LDAP server has several thousand users, you may want to raise the maximum number of search results that the server returns. This can be done in Server Admin (>OpenDirectory>Settings>Protocols tab). By default this is set to 11000 results. EXAMPLES
Export all user records from the local node to 'export.out': $ dsexport export.out /Local/Default dsRecTypeStandard:Users Export the group records for 'admin' and 'staff' from the LDAPv3 node on a proxy machine '': $ dsexport export.out /LDAPv3/ dsRecTypeStandard:Groups -r admin,staff -a -u diradmin -p password Export augmented users from the LDAPv3 node, including native attributes but excluding the PasswordPlus attribute: $ dsexport augments.out /LDAPv3/ dsRecTypeStandard:Augments --N -e "dsAttrTypeStandard:PasswordPlus" EXIT STATUS
The dsexport utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
dscl(1), dsimport(1), DirectoryService(8) BSD
20 November 2008 BSD
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