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netbiosd(8) [osx man page]

netbiosd(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       netbiosd(8)

netbiosd -- NetBIOS protocol daemon SYNOPSIS
netbiosd [options] DESCRIPTION
netbiosd is responsible for interacting with NetBIOS networks. netbiosd registers and defends one or more NetBIOS name, depending on the set of configured services. It also browses and scavenges names from the NetBIOS network, making them available to the system through mDNSResponder. OPTIONS
-debug The service will log extensive debug information and may perform extra diagnostic checks. This option is typically only useful for debugging. -dump-packets Pretty-print all sent and received NetBIOS packets to the output log. This option is typically only useful for debugging. -help Prints a usage message and exits. -max-refresh Maximum time (in seconds) between searches to refresh the workgroup list. -min-refresh Minimum time (in seconds) between searches to refresh the workgroup list. -stdout Causes netbiosd to print log messages to standard output instead of the system log. FILES
/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ The primary configuration for the SMB stack. This file is updated by various system services and should not be edited by hand. /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ The netbiosd service's property list file for launchd(8). SIGNALS
SIGHUP This signal causes netbiosd to reconfigure. It will first unregister any NetBIOS names it has registered. Then it will determine its new set of NetBIOS names and register those. SIGUSR1 This signal causes netbiosd to toggle debug logging. SEE ALSO
launchd(8), mDNSResponder(8) STANDARDS
The TCP/UDP embodiment of the NetBIOS protocol is documented in RFC 1002 Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP: Detailed Specifications, 1987 RFC 1001 Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP: Concepts and Methods, 1987 The NetBIOS browsing protocol is documented as part of the Microsoft Work Group Server Protocol Program (WSPP) technical documentation set, specifically MS-BRWS Common Internet File System (CIFS) Browser Protocol Specification HISTORY
The netbiosd utility first appeared in Mac OS 10.7. Darwin June 2, 2019 Darwin

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smbd(1M)						  System Administration Commands						  smbd(1M)

smbd - CIFS server daemon SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/smbsrv/smbd DESCRIPTION
The smbd daemon handles CIFS/SMB requests from CIFS clients, such as Windows clients. Only processes with {PRIV_SYS_SMB} and sufficient privileges to write the /var/run directory can run this daemon. The smbd daemon is automatically invoked by using the sharemgr command over all available transports. By default, smbd starts over the Net- BIOS-Over-TCP (NBT) and TCP transports. When smbd is started over NBT, the following services are started: o The NetBIOS name service is started on UDP port 137. o The NetBIOS datagram service is started on UDP port 138. o The NetBIOS session service is started on TCP port 139. When the smbd daemon is started over TCP, the CIFS service is started on TCP port 445. Only one instance of smbd may be running at a time. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Daemon exited cleanly. 95 Daemon exited with a fatal error. 96 Daemon exited with a configuration error. ATTRIBUTES
See the attributes(5) man page for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWsmbsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Uncommitted | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
ps(1), svcs(1), sharectl(1M), sharemgr(1M), smbadm(1M), smbstat(1M), svcadm(1M), smb(4), smbautohome(4), system(4), attributes(5), smf(5) NOTES
Use the svcadm command to perform administrative actions on the smbd service, such as enabling, disabling, or restarting the service. Use the svcs command to query the service status. The smbd service is managed by the service management facility under the service identifier svc:/network/smb/server. If the smbd service is disabled, it will be enabled by the sharemgr(1M) command, unless its auto_enable property is set to false. SunOS 5.11 5 Feb 2008 smbd(1M)
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