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localemanager(8) [osx man page]

localemanager(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					  localemanager(8)

localemanager -- Configure OpenDirectory Server Locales SYNOPSIS
localemanager operation [-l localename] [-subnet] [-server servername] [-i IP address] DESCRIPTION
localemanager creates, destroys, and edits OpenDirectory Server Locale information. Locales are collections of OpenDirectory servers to assist clients in locating the nearest OpenDirectory Server. To use OpenDirectory Server Locales, simply create a locale on an OD server with the createLocale operation. Then add servers and subnets to the locale. All localemanager operations are performed on the local OpenDirectory node. The first time a locale is created, a DefaultLocale will automatically be created as well. The DefaultLocale will be used for any clients that don't match a subnet in any other locale. Before a locale can be configured, the server must already be an OpenDirectory server. Locales can be defined on each of the OD servers or on a single OD server in the group of OD master/replicas. For the latter, the locale information will get replicated to all of the other servers but locales will need to be "enabled" on the other servers by running the command localemanager enableLocales. Commands: help Displays the commands and options. createLocale Creates a new locale on the local OD server. This command requires the -l option. deleteLocale Deletes a locale from the local OD server. This command requires the -l option. showLocale Displays the current locale(s). The -l option can be used to display a specific locale. If -l is not specified, all locales are displayed. enableLocales Enables the use of locales on an OD server. This command is automatically run the first time any localemanager command is run on an OD server. Therefore this command only needs to be run if no other localemanager commands have been (or will be) run on this server. addSubnet Adds a new subnet to the specified locale. This command requires the -l -subnet options. removeSubnet Removes a subnet from the specified locale. This command requires -l -subnet options. addServer Adds a server to the specified locale. This command requires the -l -server options. If the -i option is specified, that IP address will be used by locale clients. This may be useful for multi-homed servers to restrict locale clients to a specific network interface. If the -i option is not specified the IP address(es) will be looked up. removeServer Removes a server from the specified locale. This command requires -l -server options. If the -i option is specified, only that IP address will be removed from the locale. If the -i option is no specified, all of the server's IP addresses will be removed from the locale. Options: -l locale Locale name. -subnet Subnet specified in CIDR notation. -server Server fully-qualified domain name. -i Use this IP address for the server. Typically used to limit locale clients to a specific interface on a multi-homed server. FILES
/var/log/localemanager.log localemanager log file. SEE ALSO
slapconfig(8) HISTORY
First introduced in Mac OS X 10.7 Darwin June 2, 2019 Darwin

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dxhanyuim(1X)															     dxhanyuim(1X)

dxhanyuim - An input server for Traditional Chinese DESCRIPTION
In a Motif environment such as CDE, Asian language input methods are supported by independent processes called input servers. The Tradi- tional Chinese input server (dxhanyuim) is an X client process that can run on a standard X server, provided that the server system has the required Traditional Chinese fonts installed. This means that the input server can run on any system that can access your X display device, including the device itself. Starting the Input Server If your CDE session language is set to Traditional Chinese, the Traditional Chinese input server is started automatically, and both the language setting and the Traditional Chinese input method is available for applications that you start during that session. If your session language is not set to Traditional Chinese, you can switch to Traditional Chinese from a terminal emulation window by setting the LANG environment variable to a Traditional Chinese locale. From the same terminal emulation window, you must also use the command line to start the Traditional Chinese input method server and then other applications in which you want to use Traditional Chinese. You can start the input server on your local workstation by using the following command: % /usr/bin/X11/dxhanyuim & If you want to start the input server on a remote system, log on the remote system, and enter the following commands. Substitute the name of your local system for <display_name> in the first command. % setenv DISPLAY <display_name>:0 % /usr/bin/X11/dxhanyuim & After the input server is started, any Motif applications that have been internationalized to support Traditional Chinese can communicate with the server to obtain input method services. However, remember that these applications must be started after the server is started. RESTRICTIONS
This input server uses X11R6. It can connect to input-method clients running X11R4, X11R5, or X11R6 under the same locale. However, support for multiple monitors (multi-head systems) is available only to clients also running X11R6. Support for multiple monitors is not available to input-method clients using X11R5 or X11R4. If you are using a PC-style keyboard, the input server may not recognize the Backspace key as the way to delete the previous character in the input method preediting area. In this case, you must use the Delete key to delete the character. The default Alt-Space key sequence for activating and deactivating the input method may not work under CDE. In this case, invoke the dialog box for Input Method Customization and change the key sequence for Start Input Method and End Input Method to be something other than Alt- Space. For example, you could change the sequence to be Ctrl-Space. SEE ALSO
Commands: dxhanyuim(1X), dxhanziim(1X), dxjim(1X), locale(1) Others: Chinese(5), i18n_intro(5), l10n_intro(5) dxhanyuim(1X)
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