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kadmind(8) [osx man page]

KADMIND(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						KADMIND(8)

kadmind -- server for administrative access to Kerberos database SYNOPSIS
kadmind [-c file | --config-file=file] [-k file | --key-file=file] [--keytab=keytab] [-r realm | --realm=realm] [-d | --debug] [-p port | --ports=port] DESCRIPTION
kadmind listens for requests for changes to the Kerberos database and performs these, subject to permissions. When starting, if stdin is a socket it assumes that it has been started by inetd(8), otherwise it behaves as a daemon, forking processes for each new connection. The --debug option causes kadmind to accept exactly one connection, which is useful for debugging. The kpasswdd(8) daemon is responsible for the Kerberos 5 password changing protocol (used by kpasswd(1)). This daemon should only be run on the master server, and not on any slaves. Principals are always allowed to change their own password and list their own principal. Apart from that, doing any operation requires per- mission explicitly added in the ACL file /var/heimdal/kadmind.acl. The format of this file is: principal rights [principal-pattern] Where rights is any (comma separated) combination of: o change-password or cpw o list o delete o modify o add o get o get-keys o all And the optional principal-pattern restricts the rights to operations on principals that match the glob-style pattern. Supported options: -c file, --config-file=file location of config file -k file, --key-file=file location of master key file --keytab=keytab what keytab to use -r realm, --realm=realm realm to use -d, --debug enable debugging -p port, --ports=port ports to listen to. By default, if run as a daemon, it listens to port 749, but you can add any number of ports with this option. The port string is a whitespace separated list of port specifications, with the special string ``+'' representing the default port. FILES
/var/heimdal/kadmind.acl EXAMPLES
This will cause kadmind to listen to port 4711 in addition to any compiled in defaults: kadmind --ports="+ 4711" & This acl file will grant Joe all rights, and allow Mallory to view and add host principals, as well as extract host principal keys (e.g., into keytabs). joe/admin@EXAMPLE.COM all mallory/admin@EXAMPLE.COM add,get-keys host/*@EXAMPLE.COM SEE ALSO
kpasswd(1), kadmin(8), kdc(8), kpasswdd(8) HEIMDAL
December 8, 2004 HEIMDAL

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KTUTIL(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						 KTUTIL(8)

ktutil -- manage Kerberos keytabs SYNOPSIS
ktutil [-k keytab | --keytab=keytab] [-v | --verbose] [--version] [-h | --help] command [args] DESCRIPTION
ktutil is a program for managing keytabs. Supported options: -v, --verbose Verbose output. command can be one of the following: add [-p principal] [--principal=principal] [-V kvno] [--kvno=kvno] [-e enctype] [--enctype=enctype] [-w password] [--password=password] [-r] [--random] [-s] [--no-salt] [-H] [--hex] Adds a key to the keytab. Options that are not specified will be prompted for. This requires that you know the password or the hex key of the principal to add; if what you really want is to add a new principal to the keytab, you should consider the get command, which talks to the kadmin server. change [-r realm] [--realm=realm] [--a host] [--admin-server=host] [--s port] [--server-port=port] Update one or several keys to new versions. By default, use the admin server for the realm of a keytab entry. Otherwise it will use the values specified by the options. If no principals are given, all the ones in the keytab are updated. copy keytab-src keytab-dest Copies all the entries from keytab-src to keytab-dest. get [-p admin principal] [--principal=admin principal] [-e enctype] [--enctypes=enctype] [-r realm] [--realm=realm] [-a admin server] [--admin-server=admin server] [-s server port] [--server-port=server port] principal ... For each principal, generate a new key for it (creating it if it doesn't already exist), and put that key in the keytab. If no realm is specified, the realm to operate on is taken from the first principal. list [--keys] [--timestamp] List the keys stored in the keytab. remove [-p principal] [--principal=principal] [-V -kvno] [--kvno=kvno] [-e -enctype] [--enctype=enctype] Removes the specified key or keys. Not specifying a kvno removes keys with any version number. Not specifying an enctype removes keys of any type. rename from-principal to-principal Renames all entries in the keytab that match the from-principal to to-principal. purge [--age=age] Removes all old versions of a key for which there is a newer version that is at least age (default one week) old. SEE ALSO
kadmin(8) HEIMDAL
April 14, 2005 HEIMDAL
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