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exiwhat(8) [osx man page]

EXIWHAT(8)						      System Manager's Manual							EXIWHAT(8)

exiwhat - Finding out what Exim processes are doing SYNOPSIS
On operating systems that can restart a system call after receiving a signal (most modern OS), an Exim process responds to the SIGUSR1 sig- nal by writing a line describing what it is doing to the file in the Exim spool directory. The exiwhat script sends the signal to all Exim processes it can find, having first emptied the file. It then waits for one second to allow the Exim processes to react before displaying the results. In order to run exiwhat successfully you have to have sufficient privilege to send the signal to the Exim processes, so it is normally run as root. Unfortunately, the ps command which exiwhat uses to find Exim processes varies in different operating systems. Not only are different options used, but the format of the output is different. For this reason, there are some system configuration options that configure exactly how exiwhat works. If it doesn't seem to be working for you, check the following compile-time options: EXIWHAT_PS_CMD the command for running "ps" EXIWHAT_PS_ARG the argument for "ps" EXIWHAT_EGREP_ARG the argument for "egrep" to select from "ps" output EXIWHAT_KILL_ARG the argument for the "kill" command An example of typical output from exiwhat is 164 daemon: -q1h, listening on port 25 10483 running queue: waiting for 0tAycK-0002ij-00 (10492) 10492 delivering 0tAycK-0002ij-00 to mail.ref.example [] (editor@ref.example) 10592 handling incoming call from [] 10628 accepting a local non-SMTP message The first number in the output line is the process number. The third line has been split here, in order to fit it on the page. BUGS
This manual page needs a major re-work. If somebody knows better groff than us and has more experience in writing manual pages, any patches would be greatly appreciated. SEE ALSO
exim(8), /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/ AUTHOR
This manual page was stitched together from spec.txt by Andreas Metzler <ametzler at>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). March 26, 2003 EXIWHAT(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

EXIM_CHECKACCESS(8)					      System Manager's Manual					       EXIM_CHECKACCESS(8)

exim_checkaccess - Check address acceptance from given IP SYNOPSIS
exim_checkaccess IP-address email@address [more Exim options] DESCRIPTION
Exim's -bh command line argument allows you to run a fake SMTP session with debugging output, in order to check what Exim is doing when it is applying policy controls to incoming SMTP mail. However, not everybody is sufficiently familiar with the SMTP protocol to be able to make full use of -bh, and sometimes you just want to answer the question "Does this address have access?" without bothering with any fur- ther details. The exim_checkaccess utility is a 'packaged' version of -bh. It takes two arguments, an IP address and an email address: exim_checkaccess A.User@a.domain.example The utility runs a call to Exim with the -bh option, to test whether the given email address would be accepted in a RCPT command in a TCP/IP connection from the host with the given IP address. The output of the utility is either the word 'accepted', or the SMTP error response, for example: Rejected: 550 Relay not permitted When running this test, the utility uses "<>" as the envelope sender address for the MAIL command, but you can change this by providing additional options. These are passed directly to the Exim command. For example, to specify that the test is to be run with the sender address "himself@there.example" you can use: exim_checkaccess A.User@a.domain.example -f himself@there.example Note that these additional Exim command line items must be given after the two mandatory arguments. BUGS
This manual page needs a major re-work. If somebody knows better groff than us and has more experience in writing manual pages, any patches would be greatly appreciated. SEE ALSO
exim(8), /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/ AUTHOR
This manual page was stitched together from spec.txt by Andreas Metzler <ametzler at>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). March 26, 2003 EXIM_CHECKACCESS(8)
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