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exim_dbmbuild(8) [osx man page]

EXIM_DBMBUILD(8)					      System Manager's Manual						  EXIM_DBMBUILD(8)

exim_dbmbuild - Build a DBM file. SYNOPSIS
exim_dbmbuild [-nolc] [-nozero] [-noduperr] [-nowarn] inputfile|- outputfile DESCRIPTION
The exim_dbmbuild program reads an input file containing keys and data in the format used by the lsearch lookup (see section 9.1). It writes a DBM file using the lower-cased alias names as keys and the remainder of the information as data. The lower-casing can be pre- vented by calling the program with the -nolc option. A terminating zero is included as part of the key string. This is expected by the dbm lookup type. However, if the option -nozero is given, exim_dbmbuild creates files without terminating zeroes in either the key strings or the data strings. The dbmnz lookup type can be used with such files. The program requires two arguments: the name of the input file (which can be a single hyphen to indicate the standard input), and the name of the output file. It creates the output under a temporary name, and then renames it if all went well. If the native DB interface is in use (USE_DB is set in a compile-time configuration file - this is common in free versions of Unix) the two file names must be different, because in this mode the Berkeley DB functions create a single output file using exactly the name given. For example, exim_dbmbuild /etc/aliases /etc/aliases.db reads the system alias file and creates a DBM version of it in /etc/aliases.db. In systems that use the ndbm routines (mostly proprietary versions of Unix), two files are used, with the suffixes .dir and .pag. In this environment, the suffixes are added to the second argument of exim_dbmbuild, so it can be the same as the first. This is also the case when the Berkeley functions are used in compatibility mode (though this is not recommended), because in that case it adds a .db suffix to the file name. If a duplicate key is encountered, the program outputs a warning, and when it finishes, its return code is 1 rather than zero, unless the -noduperr option is used. By default, only the first of a set of duplicates is used - this makes it compatible with lsearch lookups. There is an option -lastdup which causes it to use the data for the last duplicate instead. There is also an option -nowarn, which stops it listing duplicate keys to "stderr". For other errors, where it doesn't actually make a new file, the return code is 2. BUGS
This manual page needs a major re-work. If somebody knows better groff than us and has more experience in writing manual pages, any patches would be greatly appreciated. SEE ALSO
exim(8), /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/ AUTHOR
This manual page was stitched together from spec.txt by Andreas Metzler <ametzler at>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). March 26, 2003 EXIM_DBMBUILD(8)

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EXIM_CONVERT4R4(8)					      System Manager's Manual						EXIM_CONVERT4R4(8)

exim_convert4r4 - Convert Exim configuration from v3 to v4 format SYNOPSIS
exim_convert4r4 DESCRIPTION
This script is provided to assist in updating Exim configuration files. It reads an Exim 3 configuration file on the standard input, and writes a modified file on the standard output. It also writes comments about what it has done to the standard error file. It assumes that the input is a valid Exim 3 configuration file. A typical call to the conversion script might be exim_convert4r4 < /etc/exim/exim.conf > /etc/exim4/ The output file MUST be checked and tested before trying to use it on a live system. The conversion script is just an aid which does a lot of the "grunt work". It does not guarantee to produce an Exim 4 configuration that behaves exactly the same as the Exim 3 configuration it reads. Each option change in the new file is preceded by an identifying comment. In fact, the conversion script tends to make quite a mess of your configuration, and you should expect to go through it afterwards and tidy it up by hand. Unless you are running a very straightforward configuration, the automatic conversion is likely to generate a non-optimal configuration. You should not only check it thoroughly, but also run as many tests as you can, to ensure that it is working as you expect. In particular, you should test address routing, using -bt and -bv, and the policy controls, using -bh. If possible, you should also do some live tests (i.e. send and receive some messages) before putting Exim 4 into service. If you have a very complicated configuration, it is possible that exim_convert4r4 will break it in some situations, which is why thorough testing is strongly recommended. BUGS
This manual page needs a major re-work. If somebody knows better groff than us and has more experience in writing manual pages, any patches would be greatly appreciated. SEE ALSO
exim(8), the files in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/, especially Exim4.upgrade.gz AUTHOR
This manual page was stitched together from Exim4.upgrade by Andreas Metzler <ametzler at>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). March 26, 2003 EXIM_CONVERT4R4(8)
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