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disktool(8) [osx man page]

DISKTOOL(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       DISKTOOL(8)

disktool -- disk support tool SYNOPSIS
This command is deprecated and exists only for backward compatibility. Do not use disktool, use diskutil instead. SEE ALSO
diskutil(8) Darwin 27 October 2010 Darwin

Check Out this Related Man Page

Sys::Filesystem::Darwin(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      Sys::Filesystem::Darwin(3pm)

Sys::Filesystem::Darwin - Return Darwin (Mac OS X) filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem SYNOPSIS
See Sys::Filesystem. DESCRIPTION
The filesystem information is taken from diskutil, the system utility supplied on Mac OS X. INHERITANCE
Sys::Filesystem::Darwin ISA Sys::Filesystem::Unix ISA UNIVERSAL METHODS
version () Return the version of the (sub)module. ATTRIBUTES
The following is a list of filesystem properties which may be queried as methods through the parent Sys::Filesystem object. The property 'label' is also set, but cannot be queried by Sys::Filesystem yet. mount_point The mount point (usually either '/' or '/Volumes/...'). device The mounted device format Describes the type of the filesystem. So far I encountered the following types: hfs The standard Mac OS X HFS(+) filesystem. Disk images (.dmg) and Mac Software DVDs normally also use the HFS(+) format. msdos DOS image files (e.g. floppy disk images) cd9660 CD-ROM image files or real CD-ROMs cddafs Audio CDs udf UDF filesystem (e.g. DVDs) (empty) For mounted FTP servers, disktool returns an empty filesystem type (ie, ''). BUGS
Doesn't take /etc/fstab or /etc/xtab into account right now, since they are normally not used. Contact the author if you need this. SEE ALSO
Sys::Filesystem, diskutil VERSION
$Id: 128 2010-05-12 13:16:44Z trevor $ AUTHOR
Christian Renz <> Jens Rehsack <> - <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2004,2005,2006 Nicola Worthington. Copyright 2009,2010 Jens Rehsack. This software is licensed under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. <> perl v5.10.1 2010-05-18 Sys::Filesystem::Darwin(3pm)
Man Page

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