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cupsctl(8) [osx man page]

cupsctl(8)							    Apple Inc.								cupsctl(8)

cupsctl - configure cupsd.conf options SYNOPSIS
cupsctl [ -E ] [-U username ] [ -h server[:port] ] [ --[no-]debug-logging ] [ --[no-]remote-admin ] [ --[no-]remote-any ] [ --[no-]share- printers ] [ --[no-]user-cancel-any ] [ name=value ] DESCRIPTION
cupsctl updates or queries the cupsd.conf file for a server. When no changes are requested, the current configuration values are written to the standard output in the format "name=value", one per line. OPTIONS
The following options are recognized: -E Enables encryption on the connection to the scheduler. -U username Specifies an alternate username to use when authenticating with the scheduler. -h server[:port] Specifies the server address. --[no-]debug-logging Enables or disables debug logging in the error_log file. --[no-]remote-admin Enables or disables remote administration. --[no-]remote-any Enables or disables printing from any address, e.g. the Internet. --[no-]share-printers Enables or disables sharing of local printers with other computers. --[no-]user-cancel-any Allows or prevents users from canceling jobs owned by others. EXAMPLES
Display the current settings: cupsctl Enable debug logging: cupsctl --debug-logging Get the current debug logging state: cupsctl | grep '^_debug_logging' | awk -F= '{print $2}' Disable printer sharing: cupsctl --no-share-printers KNOWN ISSUES
You cannot set the Listen or Port directives using cupsctl. SEE ALSO
cupsd.conf(5), cupsd(8), http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007-2013 by Apple Inc. 11 January 2013 CUPS cupsctl(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

cancel(1)							    Apple Inc.								 cancel(1)

cancel - cancel jobs SYNOPSIS
cancel [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -a ] [ -h hostname[:port] ] [ -u username ] [ -x ] [ id ] [ destination ] [ destination-id ] DESCRIPTION
The cancel command cancels print jobs. If no destination or id is specified, the currently printing job on the default destination is can- celed. OPTIONS
The following options are recognized by cancel: -a Cancel all jobs on the named destination, or all jobs on all destinations if none is provided. -E Forces encryption when connecting to the server. -h hostname[:port] Specifies an alternate server. -U username Specifies the username to use when connecting to the server. -u username Cancels jobs owned by username. -x Deletes job data files in addition to canceling. CONFORMING TO
Unlike the System V printing system, CUPS allows printer names to contain any printable character except SPACE, TAB, "/", or "#". Also, printer and class names are not case-sensitive. EXAMPLES
Cancel the current print job: cancel Cancel job "myprinter-42": cancel myprinter-42 Cancel all jobs: cancel -a NOTES
Administrators wishing to prevent unauthorized cancellation of jobs via the -u option should require authentication for Cancel-Jobs opera- tions in cupsd.conf(5). SEE ALSO
cupsd.conf(5), lp(1), lpmove(8), lpstat(1), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help) COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2007-2017 by Apple Inc. 15 April 2014 CUPS cancel(1)
Man Page

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