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chum(8) [osx man page]

chum(8) 						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						   chum(8)

chum, -- CHUD helper daemon for provided authorized users access to privileged kernel interfaces. SYNOPSIS
chum, [-fhuv] DESCRIPTION
chum, is use by CHUD to allow authorized users a mechanism to call privileged kernel interfaces such as accessing CPU special purpose regis- ter, PCI configuration space, I/O space, and physical memory. Options: -f Runs chum in the foreground (default: background) -h Displays usage information -u Allows chum to be run as non-root (default: require root) -v Turns on verbose output BSD
June 2, 2019 BSD

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CP(4)							 BSD/i386 Kernel Interfaces Manual						     CP(4)

cp -- driver for synchronous Cronyx Tau-PCI WAN adapters SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following line in your kernel configuration file: device cp Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): if_cp_load="YES" Additional options: device sppp options NETGRAPH options NETGRAPH_CRONYX DESCRIPTION
The cp driver needs either sppp(4) or netgraph(4). Which one to use is determined by the NETGRAPH_CRONYX option. If this option is present in your kernel configuration file, the cp driver will be compiled with netgraph(4) support. Otherwise, it will be compiled with sppp(4) sup- port. Refer to sconfig(8) for information about the cp adapter configuration. HARDWARE
The cp driver supports the following models of Tau-PCI WAN adapters: Cronyx Tau-PCI V.35 and RS-232 interfaces Cronyx Tau-PCI/R RS-530(RS-449) and X.21 interfaces Cronyx Tau-PCI-L one V.35 and RS-232 interface, low profile Cronyx Tau-PCI-L/R one RS-530(RS-449) and X.21 interface, low profile Cronyx Tau-PCI-E1 fractional E1 interfaces Cronyx Tau-PCI-G703 unframed E1 interfaces Cronyx Tau-PCI-2E1 fractional E1 and unframed E1 interfaces Cronyx Tau-PCI-4E1 fractional E1 and unframed E1 interfaces Cronyx Tau-PCI-E3 E3 interface Cronyx Tau-PCI-T3 T3 interface Cronyx Tau-PCI-STS1 STS-1 interface SEE ALSO
ctau(4), cx(4), sppp(4), ifconfig(8), sconfig(8), spppcontrol(8) HISTORY
The cp driver was added in FreeBSD 5.3 and FreeBSD 4.11. The cp driver for previous versions of FreeBSD is available from BSD
July 16, 2005 BSD
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