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automount(8) [osx man page]

AUTOMOUNT(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					      AUTOMOUNT(8)

automount -- mount autofs on the appropriate mount points SYNOPSIS
automount [-v] [-c] [-u] [-t timeout] DESCRIPTION
automount reads the /etc/auto_master file, and any local or network maps it includes, and mounts autofs on the appropriate mount points to cause mounts to be triggered. It will also attempt to unmount any top-level autofs mounts that correspond to maps no longer found. OPTIONS
-v Print more detailed information about actions taken by automount. -c Tell automountd(8) to flush any cached information it has. -u Unmount all non-busy automounted mounts. Top-level triggers are preserved. -t timeout Set to timeout seconds the time after which an automounted file system will be unmounted if it hasn't been referred to within that period of time. The default is 10 minutes (600 seconds). FILES
/etc/autofs.conf configuration file for automount and automountd. /etc/auto_master The master map contains a list of directories to be controlled by autofs and their associated direct map or indirect maps. SEE ALSO
auto_master(5), automountd(8), autofs.conf(5) Darwin July 17, 2010 Darwin

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AUTOFS.CONF(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual						    AUTOFS.CONF(5)

autofs.conf -- automount(8) and automountd(8) configuration file DESCRIPTION
The autofs.conf file specifies various configuration options for automount(8) and automountd(8). autofs.conf consists of a series of lines, each of which may contain a line that sets a parameter, a comment, or a blank line. A line that sets a parameter has the format: parameter=value A ``#'' is the comment character, and all characters from it to the end of line are ignored. The parameters that are supported are: AUTOMOUNT_TIMEOUT The number of seconds after which an automounted file system will be unmounted if it hasn't been referred to within that period of time. The default is 10 minutes (600 seconds). This is equivalent to the -t option in automount(8). AUTOMOUNT_VERBOSE TRUE or FALSE; if TRUE, automount(8) will print more detailed information about the actions it takes. This is equivalent to the -v option to automount(8). AUTOMOUNTD_VERBOSE TRUE or FALSE; if TRUE, automountd(8) will log to syslogd(8) more detailed information about the actions it takes. This is equivalent to the -v option to automountd(8). AUTOMOUNTD_NOBROWSE TRUE or FALSE; if TRUE, automountd(8) will disable browsing of all maps. This is equivalent to the -n option to automountd(8). AUTOMOUNTD_TRACE The trace level for logging information about requests received by automountd(8) from autofs, processing done for those requests, and replies sent to autofs. The default level of 0 causes no information to be logged; each higher value causes more information to be logged. This controls the same trace level that the -T option to automountd(8) controls. The trace is logged to /var/log/system.log AUTOMOUNTD_MNTOPTS A string containing a comma-separated list of mount options that will be applied, by default, to all mounts done by automountd(8). The options for a particular mount can override these options. This controls the same options that the -o option to automountd(8) AUTOMOUNTD_NOSUID TRUE or FALSE; if TRUE, automountd(8) will force all mounts to have the "nosuid" mount option set. AUTOMOUNTD_ENV A string of the form name=value that causes the environment variable name to be set to the value value in automountd(8). Environment variables can be referred to in map entries; the value of the environment variable is substituted for the reference to the variable. This is equivalent to the -D option to automountd(8). FILES
/etc/autofs.conf This file. SEE ALSO
auto_master(5), automount(8), automountd(8) Darwin March 27, 2007 Darwin
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