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amt(8) [osx man page]

AMT(8)							    BSD System Manager's Manual 						    AMT(8)

amt -- Abstract Machine Test Utility SYNOPSIS
amt [-m] [-p] [-q] [-s] DESCRIPTION
The amt utility is used to verify that the low level functions necessary to enforce requirements of the Controlled Access Protection Profile (CAPP) are working correctly. The amt utility must be executed with sufficient privileges and performs the following tests: Memory Read and Write This test allocates between 5% to 10% of physical memory and writes data to it, then reads the memory back to ensure the values writ- ten remain unchanged. Memory Separation and Protection This test ensures that user space programs cannot read and write to areas of memory that is protected or is not shared. Privileged Instructions This test ensures that the enforcement of the property that privileged instructions should only be in supervisor mode is still in effect. The set of privileged instructions tested to confirm this is architecture dependent. The options are as follows: -m Skip the memory test. -p Skip the privileged instructions test. -q Suppress the screen output. -s Skip the memory separation and protection test. EXIT CODES
<0 An error occured in executing the tests. =0 All the tests passed. >0 The number of tests that failed or were skipped. NOTES
The overall result (pass or fail) is logged in the audit trail and system log. The auditd(8) daemon must already be running for the results to be stored in the audit trail file. One of the above test may be skipped without getting a negative result. A test is skipped either with one of the above command-line options or automatically if there is not a test compatiable with the Target Of Evaluation (TOE). The audit administrator may want to perform the mem- ory test only on startup since it can have large negative impact on the system performance. SEE ALSO
audit(2) auditd(8) syslog(3) syslogd(8) BSD
August 14, 2008 BSD

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GO-TESTFLAG(7)						 Miscellaneous Information Manual					    GO-TESTFLAG(7)

go - tool for managing Go source code DESCRIPTION
The 'go test' command takes both flags that apply to 'go test' itself and flags that apply to the resulting test binary. The test binary, called pkg.test, where pkg is the name of the directory containing the package sources, has its own flags: -test.v Verbose output: log all tests as they are run. pattern Run only those tests and examples matching the regular expression. -test.bench pattern Run benchmarks matching the regular expression. By default, no benchmarks run. -test.cpuprofile cpu.out Write a CPU profile to the specified file before exiting. -test.memprofile mem.out Write a memory profile to the specified file when all tests are complete. -test.memprofilerate n Enable more precise (and expensive) memory profiles by setting runtime.MemProfileRate. See 'godoc runtime MemProfileRate'. To pro- file all memory allocations, use -test.memprofilerate=1 and set the environment variable GOGC=off to disable the garbage collector, provided the test can run in the available memory without garbage collection. -test.parallel n Allow parallel execution of test functions that call t.Parallel. The value of this flag is the maximum number of tests to run simultaneously; by default, it is set to the value of GOMAXPROCS. -test.short Tell long-running tests to shorten their run time. It is off by default but set during all.bash so that installing the Go tree can run a sanity check but not spend time running exhaustive tests. -test.timeout t If a test runs longer than t, panic. -test.benchtime n Run enough iterations of each benchmark to take n seconds. The default is 1 second. -test.cpu 1,2,4 Specify a list of GOMAXPROCS values for which the tests or benchmarks should be executed. The default is the current value of GOMAXPROCS. For convenience, each of these -test.X flags of the test binary is also available as the flag -X in 'go test' itself. Flags not listed here are passed through unaltered. For instance, the command go test -x -v -cpuprofile=prof.out -dir=testdata -update will compile the test binary and then run it as pkg.test -test.v -test.cpuprofile=prof.out -dir=testdata -update AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Michael Stapelberg <>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others). 2012-05-13 GO-TESTFLAG(7)
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