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slapd-ldif(5) [osx man page]

SLAPD-LDIF(5)							File Formats Manual						     SLAPD-LDIF(5)

slapd-ldif - LDIF backend to slapd SYNOPSIS
/etc/openldap/slapd.conf DESCRIPTION
The LDIF backend to slapd(8) is a basic storage backend that stores entries in text files in LDIF format, and exploits the filesystem to create the tree structure of the database. It is intended as a cheap, low performance easy to use backend, and it is exploited by higher- level internal structures to provide a permanent storage. CONFIGURATION
These slapd.conf options apply to the LDIF backend database. That is, they must follow a "database ldif" line and come before any subse- quent "backend" or "database" lines. Other database options are described in the slapd.conf(5) manual page. directory <dir> Specify the directory where the database tree starts. The directory must exist and grant appropriate permissions (rwx) to the iden- tity slapd is running with. ACCESS CONTROL
The LDIF backend does not honor any of the access control semantics described in slapd.access(5). Only read (=r) access to the entry pseudo-attribute and to the other attribute values of the entries returned by the search operation is honored, which is performed by the frontend. FILES
/etc/openldap/slapd.conf default slapd configuration file SEE ALSO
slapd.conf(5), slapd-config(5), slapd(8), ldif(5). AUTHOR
Eric Stokes OpenLDAP 2.4.28 2011/11/24 SLAPD-LDIF(5)

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SLAPD-LDIF(5)							File Formats Manual						     SLAPD-LDIF(5)

slapd-ldif - LDIF backend to slapd SYNOPSIS
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf DESCRIPTION
The LDIF backend to slapd(8) is a basic storage backend that stores entries in text files in LDIF format, and exploits the filesystem to create the tree structure of the database. It is intended as a cheap, low performance easy to use backend, and it is exploited by higher- level internal structures to provide a permanent storage. CONFIGURATION
These slapd.conf options apply to the LDIF backend database. That is, they must follow a "database ldif" line and come before any subse- quent "backend" or "database" lines. Other database options are described in the slapd.conf(5) manual page. directory <dir> Specify the directory where the database tree starts. The directory must exist and grant appropriate permissions (rwx) to the iden- tity slapd is running with. ACCESS CONTROL
The LDIF backend does not honor any of the access control semantics described in slapd.access(5). Only read (=r) access to the entry pseudo-attribute and to the other attribute values of the entries returned by the search operation is honored, which is performed by the frontend. FILES
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf default slapd configuration file SEE ALSO
slapd.conf(5), slapd-config(5), slapd(8), ldif(5). AUTHOR
Eric Stokes OpenLDAP 2012/04/23 SLAPD-LDIF(5)
Man Page

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