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vmmouse(4) [osx man page]

VMMOUSE(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual							VMMOUSE(4)

vmmouse - VMware Mouse input driver SYNOPSIS
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "idevname" Driver "vmmouse" ... EndSection DESCRIPTION
vmmouse is an XFree86 input driver for mice. The driver supports most available mouse types and interfaces. USB mice are only supported on some OSs, and the level of support for PS/2 mice depends on the OS. The vmmouse driver functions as a pointer input device, and may be used as the X server's core pointer. Multiple mice are supported by multiple instances of this driver. CONFIGURATION DETAILS
Please refer to xorg.conf(5) for general configuration details and for options that can be used with all input drivers. This section only covers configuration details specific to this driver. The driver will automatically detect if the vmmouse device is present and if it is not, it will load the regular mouse driver and attempt to fall back to it. There are no vmmouse specific options, but if you set mouse(4) options, they will be passed on. See the mouse(4) man page for details on these options. SEE ALSO
Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5), Xserver(1), X(7), mouse(4) AUTHORS
Copyright (c) 1999-2007 VMware, Inc. X Version 11 xf86-input-vmmouse 12.9.0 VMMOUSE(4)

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VMMOUSE(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual							VMMOUSE(4)

vmmouse - VMware Mouse input driver SYNOPSIS
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "idevname" Driver "vmmouse" ... EndSection DESCRIPTION
vmmouse is an XFree86 input driver for mice. The driver supports most available mouse types and interfaces. USB mice are only supported on some OSs, and the level of support for PS/2 mice depends on the OS. The vmmouse driver functions as a pointer input device, and may be used as the X server's core pointer. Multiple mice are supported by multiple instances of this driver. CONFIGURATION DETAILS
Please refer to xorg.conf(5) for general configuration details and for options that can be used with all input drivers. This section only covers configuration details specific to this driver. The driver will automatically detect if the vmmouse device is present and if it is not, it will load the regular mouse driver and attempt to fall back to it. There are no vmmouse specific options, but if you set mouse(4) options, they will be passed on. See the mouse(4) man page for details on these options. SEE ALSO
Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5), Xserver(1), X(7), mouse(4) AUTHORS
Copyright (c) 1999-2007 VMware, Inc. X Version 11 xf86-input-vmmouse 13.0.0 VMMOUSE(4)
Man Page

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