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pcmcia(4) [osx man page]

pcmcia(4)							   File Formats 							 pcmcia(4)

pcmcia - PCMCIA nexus driver DESCRIPTION
The PCMCIA nexus driver supports PCMCIA card client device drivers. There are no user-configurable options for this driver. FILES
/kernel/misc/pcmcia pcmcia driver SEE ALSO
pcmciad(1M) SunOS 5.10 19 Jul 1996 pcmcia(4)

Check Out this Related Man Page

STAB(5) 							File Formats Manual							   STAB(5)

stab - current PCMCIA socket status DESCRIPTION
The stab file is created by cardmgr and contains identification and device driver information for PCMCIA cards. Each socket is described by one header line, followed by one or more device driver lines. The header gives the card name as given in /etc/pcmcia/config. Device driver lines consist of a series of tab-separated fields. The first field is the socket number. The second field is the device class, which identifies which script in /etc/pcmcia is used to configure or shut down this device. The third field is the driver name. The fourth field is used to number devices when a single card has several devices associated with the same driver. The fifth field is the device name, and the final two fields are major and minor device numbers for this device, if appropriate. The file is updated by cardmgr whenever a card is inserted or ejected, and when cardmgr receives a SIGHUP signal. The stab file will normally be created in /var/lib/pcmcia, but if that directory is unavailable, it will be found in /var/run. AUTHOR
David Hinds - SEE ALSO
cardmgr(8), pcmcia(5), cardinfo(1). pcmcia-cs 2000/06/12 21:24:48 STAB(5)
Man Page

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