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set_top_row(3x) [osx man page]

mitem_current(3X)														 mitem_current(3X)

mitem_current - set and get current_menu_item SYNOPSIS
#include <menu.h> int set_current_item(MENU *menu, const ITEM *item); ITEM *current_item(const MENU *menu); int set_top_row(MENU *menu, int row); int top_row(const MENU *menu); int item_index(const ITEM *item); DESCRIPTION
The function set_current_item sets the current item (the item on which the menu cursor is positioned). current_item returns a pointer to the current item in the given menu. The function set_top_row sets the top row of the menu to show the given row (the top row is initially 0, and is reset to this value when- ever the O_ROWMAJOR option is toggled). The item leftmost on the given row becomes current. The function top_row returns the number of the top menu row being displayed. The function item_index returns the (zero-origin) index of item in the menu's item pointer list. RETURN VALUE
current_item returns a pointer (which may be NULL). It does not set errno. top_row and item_index return ERR (the general curses error value) if their menu parameter is NULL. set_current_item and set_top_row return one of the following: E_OK The routine succeeded. E_BAD_ARGUMENT Routine detected an incorrect or out-of-range argument. E_BAD_STATE Routine was called from an initialization or termination function. E_NOT_CONNECTED No items are connected to the menu. E_SYSTEM_ERROR System error occurred (see errno). SEE ALSO
curses(3X), menu(3X). NOTES
The header file <menu.h> automatically includes the header file <curses.h>. PORTABILITY
These routines emulate the System V menu library. They were not supported on Version 7 or BSD versions. The SVr4 menu library documentation specifies the top_row and index_item error value as -1 (which is the value of ERR). AUTHORS
Juergen Pfeifer. Manual pages and adaptation for new curses by Eric S. Raymond. mitem_current(3X)

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mitem_current(3X)														 mitem_current(3X)

mitem_current - set and get current_menu_item SYNOPSIS
#include <menu.h> int set_current_item(MENU *menu, const ITEM *item); ITEM *current_item(const MENU *menu); int set_top_row(MENU *menu, int row); int top_row(const MENU *menu); int item_index(const ITEM *item); DESCRIPTION
The function set_current_item sets the current item (the item on which the menu cursor is positioned). current_item returns a pointer to the current item in the given menu. The function set_top_row sets the top row of the menu to show the given row (the top row is initially 0, and is reset to this value when- ever the O_ROWMAJOR option is toggled). The item leftmost on the given row becomes current. The function top_row returns the number of the top menu row being displayed. The function item_index returns the (zero-origin) index of item in the menu's item pointer list. RETURN VALUE
current_item returns NULL on error. top_row and item_index return ERR (the general curses error value) on error. set_current_item and set_top_row return one of the following: E_OK The routine succeeded. E_SYSTEM_ERROR System error occurred (see errno). E_BAD_ARGUMENT Routine detected an incorrect or out-of-range argument. E_BAD_STATE Routine was called from an initialization or termination function. E_NOT_CONNECTED No items are connected to the menu. SEE ALSO
curses(3X), menu(3X). NOTES
The header file <menu.h> automatically includes the header file <curses.h>. PORTABILITY
These routines emulate the System V menu library. They were not supported on Version 7 or BSD versions. The SVr4 menu library documentation specifies the top_row and index_item error value as -1 (which is the value of ERR). AUTHORS
Juergen Pfeifer. Manual pages and adaptation for new curses by Eric S. Raymond. mitem_current(3X)
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