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Text::Tabs(3pm) 					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide					   Text::Tabs(3pm)

Text::Tabs -- expand and unexpand tabs per the unix expand(1) and unexpand(1) SYNOPSIS
use Text::Tabs; $tabstop = 4; # default = 8 @lines_without_tabs = expand(@lines_with_tabs); @lines_with_tabs = unexpand(@lines_without_tabs); DESCRIPTION
Text::Tabs does about what the unix utilities expand(1) and unexpand(1) do. Given a line with tabs in it, expand will replace the tabs with the appropriate number of spaces. Given a line with or without tabs in it, unexpand will add tabs when it can save bytes by doing so (just like "unexpand -a"). Invisible compression with plain ASCII! EXAMPLE
#!perl # unexpand -a use Text::Tabs; while (<>) { print unexpand $_; } Instead of the "expand" comand, use: perl -MText::Tabs -n -e 'print expand $_' Instead of the "unexpand -a" command, use: perl -MText::Tabs -n -e 'print unexpand $_' LICENSE
Copyright (C) 1996-2002,2005,2006 David Muir Sharnoff. Copyright (C) 2005 Aristotle Pagaltzis This module may be modified, used, copied, and redistributed at your own risk. Publicly redistributed modified versions must use a different name. perl v5.16.2 2012-10-25 Text::Tabs(3pm)

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Text::Tabs(3pm) 					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide					   Text::Tabs(3pm)

Text::Tabs -- expand and unexpand tabs per the unix expand(1) and unexpand(1) SYNOPSIS
use Text::Tabs; $tabstop = 4; # default = 8 @lines_without_tabs = expand(@lines_with_tabs); @lines_with_tabs = unexpand(@lines_without_tabs); DESCRIPTION
Text::Tabs does about what the unix utilities expand(1) and unexpand(1) do. Given a line with tabs in it, expand will replace the tabs with the appropriate number of spaces. Given a line with or without tabs in it, unexpand will add tabs when it can save bytes by doing so (just like "unexpand -a"). Invisible compression with plain ASCII! EXAMPLE
#!perl # unexpand -a use Text::Tabs; while (<>) { print unexpand $_; } Instead of the "expand" comand, use: perl -MText::Tabs -n -e 'print expand $_' Instead of the "unexpand -a" command, use: perl -MText::Tabs -n -e 'print unexpand $_' LICENSE
Copyright (C) 1996-2002,2005,2006 David Muir Sharnoff. Copyright (C) 2005 Aristotle Pagaltzis This module may be modified, used, copied, and redistributed at your own risk. Publicly redistributed modified versions must use a different name. perl v5.16.3 2013-03-04 Text::Tabs(3pm)
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