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TAP::Object(3pm)					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide					  TAP::Object(3pm)

TAP::Object - Base class that provides common functionality to all "TAP::*" modules VERSION
Version 3.23 SYNOPSIS
package TAP::Whatever; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); use TAP::Object; @ISA = qw(TAP::Object); # new() implementation by TAP::Object sub _initialize { my ( $self, @args) = @_; # initialize your object return $self; } # ... later ... my $obj = TAP::Whatever->new(@args); DESCRIPTION
"TAP::Object" provides a default constructor and exception model for all "TAP::*" classes. Exceptions are raised using Carp. METHODS
Class Methods "new" Create a new object. Any arguments passed to "new" will be passed on to the "_initialize" method. Returns a new object. Instance Methods "_initialize" Initializes a new object. This method is a stub by default, you should override it as appropriate. Note: "new" expects you to return $self or raise an exception. See "_croak", and Carp. "_croak" Raise an exception using "croak" from Carp, eg: $self->_croak( 'why me?', 'aaarrgh!' ); May also be called as a class method. $class->_croak( 'this works too' ); "_confess" Raise an exception using "confess" from Carp, eg: $self->_confess( 'why me?', 'aaarrgh!' ); May also be called as a class method. $class->_confess( 'this works too' ); "_construct" Create a new instance of the specified class. "mk_methods" Create simple getter/setters. __PACKAGE__->mk_methods(@method_names); perl v5.16.2 2012-10-25 TAP::Object(3pm)

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TAP::Parser::Iterator(3pm)				 Perl Programmers Reference Guide				TAP::Parser::Iterator(3pm)

TAP::Parser::Iterator - Base class for TAP source iterators VERSION
Version 3.23 SYNOPSIS
# to subclass: use vars qw(@ISA); use TAP::Parser::Iterator (); @ISA = qw(TAP::Parser::Iterator); sub _initialize { # see TAP::Object... } sub next_raw { ... } sub wait { ... } sub exit { ... } DESCRIPTION
This is a simple iterator base class that defines TAP::Parser's iterator API. Iterators are typically created from TAP::Parser::SourceHandlers. METHODS
Class Methods "new" Create an iterator. Provided by TAP::Object. Instance Methods "next" while ( my $item = $iter->next ) { ... } Iterate through it, of course. "next_raw" Note: this method is abstract and should be overridden. while ( my $item = $iter->next_raw ) { ... } Iterate raw input without applying any fixes for quirky input syntax. "handle_unicode" If necessary switch the input stream to handle unicode. This only has any effect for I/O handle based streams. The default implementation does nothing. "get_select_handles" Return a list of filehandles that may be used upstream in a select() call to signal that this Iterator is ready. Iterators that are not handle-based should return an empty list. The default implementation does nothing. "wait" Note: this method is abstract and should be overridden. my $wait_status = $iter->wait; Return the "wait" status for this iterator. "exit" Note: this method is abstract and should be overridden. my $wait_status = $iter->exit; Return the "exit" status for this iterator. SUBCLASSING
Please see "SUBCLASSING" in TAP::Parser for a subclassing overview. You must override the abstract methods as noted above. Example TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array is probably the easiest example to follow. There's not much point repeating it here. SEE ALSO
TAP::Object, TAP::Parser, TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array, TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream, TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process, perl v5.16.2 2012-10-25 TAP::Parser::Iterator(3pm)
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