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Module::Loaded(3pm)					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide				       Module::Loaded(3pm)

Module::Loaded - mark modules as loaded or unloaded SYNOPSIS
use Module::Loaded; $bool = mark_as_loaded('Foo'); # is now marked as loaded $loc = is_loaded('Foo'); # location of set to the # loaders location eval "require 'Foo'"; # is now a no-op $bool = mark_as_unloaded('Foo'); # no longer marked as loaded eval "require 'Foo'"; # Will try to find in @INC DESCRIPTION
When testing applications, often you find yourself needing to provide functionality in your test environment that would usually be provided by external modules. Rather than munging the %INC by hand to mark these external modules as loaded, so they are not attempted to be loaded by perl, this module offers you a very simple way to mark modules as loaded and/or unloaded. FUNCTIONS
$bool = mark_as_loaded( PACKAGE ); Marks the package as loaded to perl. "PACKAGE" can be a bareword or string. If the module is already loaded, "mark_as_loaded" will carp about this and tell you from where the "PACKAGE" has been loaded already. $bool = mark_as_unloaded( PACKAGE ); Marks the package as unloaded to perl, which is the exact opposite of "mark_as_loaded". "PACKAGE" can be a bareword or string. If the module is already unloaded, "mark_as_unloaded" will carp about this and tell you the "PACKAGE" has been unloaded already. $loc = is_loaded( PACKAGE ); "is_loaded" tells you if "PACKAGE" has been marked as loaded yet. "PACKAGE" can be a bareword or string. It returns falls if "PACKAGE" has not been loaded yet and the location from where it is said to be loaded on success. BUG REPORTS
Please report bugs or other issues to <<gt>. AUTHOR
This module by Jos Boumans <>. COPYRIGHT
This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.16.2 2012-10-11 Module::Loaded(3pm)

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PM_WHICH(1p)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					      PM_WHICH(1p)

pm_which - find installed modules SYNOPSIS
pm_which [ options ] module(s) Returns the path to the given module(s) OPTIONS -q, --quiet Just print paths -p, --paths Just convert the module name into a relative path -a, --all Print all paths, not just the first one found -n, --namespace Print all modules in the given namespace -m Only print module names, not paths -V Show module version -I libpath Add a path to search (like perl -I) -d, --dump Dump paths that would be searched (@INC by default) -h, --help Print this message -v, --version Print version information - Read modules from stdin, one per line DESCRIPTION
This tool reports the locations of installed perl modules. By default it lists the location of each specified module that would be loaded by require. OPTION DETAILS
quiet Under quiet mode, module names are suppressed and missing modules are not reported. Normal output: $ pm_which Module::One Module::Two Missing::Module Module::One - /path/to/Module/ Module::Two - /path/to/Module/ Missing::Module - not found Under --quiet: $ pm_which -q Module::One Module::Two Missing::Module /path/to/Module/ /path/to/Module/ paths In "paths" mode, each module is simply converted into a relative file path. This is possible even when the module is not installed. $ pm_which -p Missing::Module Missing/ all When the "all" switch is specified, all installed modules will be reported, not just the first one. This is useful for determining when there is a module installed in multiple locations. $ pm_which -a MyModule /path/to/ /home/me/perl/ namespace Arguments are taken as namespaces to search under. $ pm_which -n MyModule MyModule - /path/to/ MyModule::Foo - /path/to/MyModule/ MyModule::Foo::Bar - /path/to/MyModule/Foo/ -m Disables printing of module paths. This is only really useful in conjunction with --namespace. $ pm_which -nm MyModule MyModule MyModule::Foo MyModule::Foo::Bar -V Prints the version of each module, according to ExtUtils::MakeMaker. $ pm_which -V MyModule MyModule - /path/to/ [ 1.00 ] $ pm_which -Vnm MyModule MyModule [ 1.00 ] MyModule::Foo [ 0.01 ] MyModule::Foo::Bar [ undef ] dump Dumps the paths that would be searched and exits. This is @INC modified by any -I switches. $ pm_which --dump /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 ... $ pm_which -I lib --dump -I blib/lib lib blib/lib /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 ... version Prints the version number of the script, plus the version and path of Module::Util that was loaded. EXIT CODES
o 0 - Everything was OK o 1 - Initialisation failed (bad switches?) o 2 - Some modules were not installed SEE ALSO
This utility comes with Module::Util. AUTHOR
Matt Lawrence <> perl v5.14.2 2012-06-08 PM_WHICH(1p)
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