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module::build::platform::macos(3pm) [osx man page]

Module::Build::Platform::MacOS(3pm)			 Perl Programmers Reference Guide		       Module::Build::Platform::MacOS(3pm)

Module::Build::Platform::MacOS - Builder class for MacOS platforms DESCRIPTION
The sole purpose of this module is to inherit from "Module::Build::Base" and override a few methods. Please see Module::Build for the docs. Overridden Methods new() MacPerl doesn't define $Config{sitelib} or $Config{sitearch} for some reason, but $Config{installsitelib} and $Config{installsitearch} are there. So we copy the install variables to the other location make_executable() On MacOS we set the file type and creator to MacPerl so it will run with a double-click. dispatch() Because there's no easy way to say "./Build test" on MacOS, if dispatch is called with no arguments and no @ARGV a dialog box will pop up asking what action to take and any extra arguments. Default action is "test". ACTION_realclean() Need to unlock the Build program before deleting. AUTHOR
Michael G Schwern <> SEE ALSO
perl(1), Module::Build(3), ExtUtils::MakeMaker(3) perl v5.16.2 2012-10-25 Module::Build::Platform::MacOS(3pm)

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Module::Build::Platform::MacOS(3pm)			 Perl Programmers Reference Guide		       Module::Build::Platform::MacOS(3pm)

Module::Build::Platform::MacOS - Builder class for MacOS platforms DESCRIPTION
The sole purpose of this module is to inherit from "Module::Build::Base" and override a few methods. Please see Module::Build for the docs. Overridden Methods new() MacPerl doesn't define $Config{sitelib} or $Config{sitearch} for some reason, but $Config{installsitelib} and $Config{installsitearch} are there. So we copy the install variables to the other location make_executable() On MacOS we set the file type and creator to MacPerl so it will run with a double-click. dispatch() Because there's no easy way to say "./Build test" on MacOS, if dispatch is called with no arguments and no @ARGV a dialog box will pop up asking what action to take and any extra arguments. Default action is "test". ACTION_realclean() Need to unlock the Build program before deleting. AUTHOR
Michael G Schwern <> SEE ALSO
perl(1), Module::Build(3), ExtUtils::MakeMaker(3) perl v5.18.2 2014-01-06 Module::Build::Platform::MacOS(3pm)
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