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locale::constants(3pm) [osx man page]

Locale::Constants(3pm)					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide				    Locale::Constants(3pm)

Locale::Constants - constants for Locale codes SYNOPSIS
use Locale::Constants; $codeset = LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2; DESCRIPTION
Locale::Constants defines symbols which are used in the four modules from the Locale-Codes distribution: Locale::Language Locale::Country Locale::Currency Locale::Script Note: at the moment only Locale::Country and Locale::Script support more than one code set. The symbols defined are used to specify which codes you want to be used: LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2 LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3 LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC You shouldn't have to "use" this module directly yourself - it is used by the three Locale modules, which in turn export the symbols. KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS
None at the moment. SEE ALSO
Locale::Language Codes for identification of languages. Locale::Country Codes for identification of countries. Locale::Script Codes for identification of scripts. Locale::Currency Codes for identification of currencies and funds. AUTHOR
Neil Bowers <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Neil Bowers. Copyright (C) 2001, Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE). This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.12.5 2012-11-03 Locale::Constants(3pm)

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Locale::Constants(3pm)					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide				    Locale::Constants(3pm)

Locale::Constants - constants for Locale codes SYNOPSIS
use Locale::Constants; $codeset = LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2; DESCRIPTION
Locale::Constants defines symbols which are used in the four modules from the Locale-Codes distribution: Locale::Language Locale::Country Locale::Currency Locale::Script Note: at the moment only Locale::Country and Locale::Script support more than one code set. The symbols defined are used to specify which codes you want to be used: LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2 LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3 LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC You shouldn't have to "use" this module directly yourself - it is used by the three Locale modules, which in turn export the symbols. KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS
None at the moment. SEE ALSO
Locale::Language Codes for identification of languages. Locale::Country Codes for identification of countries. Locale::Script Codes for identification of scripts. Locale::Currency Codes for identification of currencies and funds. AUTHOR
Neil Bowers <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2002, Neil Bowers. Copyright (C) 2001, Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE). This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.8.0 2002-06-01 Locale::Constants(3pm)
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