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env(3pm) [osx man page]

Env(3pm)						 Perl Programmers Reference Guide						  Env(3pm)

Env - perl module that imports environment variables as scalars or arrays SYNOPSIS
Perl maintains environment variables in a special hash named %ENV. For when this access method is inconvenient, the Perl module "Env" allows environment variables to be treated as scalar or array variables. The "Env::import()" function ties environment variables with suitable names to global Perl variables with the same names. By default it ties all existing environment variables ("keys %ENV") to scalars. If the "import" function receives arguments, it takes them to be a list of variables to tie; it's okay if they don't yet exist. The scalar type prefix '$' is inferred for any element of this list not prefixed by '$' or '@'. Arrays are implemented in terms of "split" and "join", using $Config::Config{path_sep} as the delimiter. After an environment variable is tied, merely use it like a normal variable. You may access its value @path = split(/:/, $PATH); print join(" ", @LD_LIBRARY_PATH), " "; or modify it $PATH .= ":."; push @LD_LIBRARY_PATH, $dir; however you'd like. Bear in mind, however, that each access to a tied array variable requires splitting the environment variable's string anew. The code: use Env qw(@PATH); push @PATH, '.'; is equivalent to: use Env qw(PATH); $PATH .= ":."; except that if $ENV{PATH} started out empty, the second approach leaves it with the (odd) value "":."", but the first approach leaves it with ""."". To remove a tied environment variable from the environment, assign it the undefined value undef $PATH; undef @LD_LIBRARY_PATH; LIMITATIONS
On VMS systems, arrays tied to environment variables are read-only. Attempting to change anything will cause a warning. AUTHOR
Chip Salzenberg <chip@fin.uucp> and Gregor N. Purdy <> perl v5.16.2 2012-10-11 Env(3pm)

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Env::Sanctify(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					Env::Sanctify(3pm)

Env::Sanctify - Lexically scoped sanctification of %ENV VERSION
version 1.06 SYNOPSIS
my $sanctify = Env::Sanctify->sanctify( sanctify => [ '^POE' ] ); # do some stuff, fork some processes etc. $sanctify->restore { my $sanctify = Env::Sanctify->sanctify( env => { POE_TRACE_DEFAULT => 1 } ); # do some stuff, fork some processes etc. } # out of scope, %ENV is back to normal DESCRIPTION
Env::Sanctify is a module that provides lexically scoped manipulation and sanctification of %ENV. You can specify that it alter or add additional environment variables or remove existing ones according to a list of matching regexen. You can then either "restore" the environment back manually or let the object fall out of scope, which automagically restores. Useful for manipulating the environment that forked processes and sub-processes will inherit. CONSTRUCTOR
"sanctify" Creates an Env::Sanctify object. Takes two optional arguments: 'env', a hashref of env vars to add to %ENV; 'sanctify', an arrayref of regex pattern strings to match against current %ENV vars; Any %ENV var that matches a "sanctify" regex is removed from the resultant %ENV. METHODs "restore" Explicitly restore the previous %ENV. This is called automagically when the object is "DESTROY"ed, for instance, when it goes out of scope. AUTHOR
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Chris Williams. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-03-14 Env::Sanctify(3pm)
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