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encode::cn(3pm) [osx man page]

Encode::CN(3pm) 					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide					   Encode::CN(3pm)

Encode::CN - China-based Chinese Encodings SYNOPSIS
use Encode qw/encode decode/; $euc_cn = encode("euc-cn", $utf8); # loads Encode::CN implicitly $utf8 = decode("euc-cn", $euc_cn); # ditto DESCRIPTION
This module implements China-based Chinese charset encodings. Encodings supported are as follows. Canonical Alias Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- euc-cn /euc.*cn$/i EUC (Extended Unix Character) /cn.*euc$/i /GB[-_ ]?2312(?:D.*$|$)/i (see below) gb2312-raw The raw (low-bit) GB2312 character map gb12345-raw Traditional chinese counterpart to GB2312 (raw) iso-ir-165 GB2312 + GB6345 + GB8565 + additions MacChineseSimp GB2312 + Apple Additions cp936 Code Page 936, also known as GBK (Extended GuoBiao) hz 7-bit escaped GB2312 encoding -------------------------------------------------------------------- To find how to use this module in detail, see Encode. NOTES
Due to size concerns, "GB 18030" (an extension to "GBK") is distributed separately on CPAN, under the name Encode::HanExtra. That module also contains extra Taiwan-based encodings. BUGS
When you see "charset=gb2312" on mails and web pages, they really mean "euc-cn" encodings. To fix that, "gb2312" is aliased to "euc-cn". Use "gb2312-raw" when you really mean it. The ASCII region (0x00-0x7f) is preserved for all encodings, even though this conflicts with mappings by the Unicode Consortium. SEE ALSO
Encode perl v5.16.2 2012-08-26 Encode::CN(3pm)

Check Out this Related Man Page

Encode::CN(3perl)					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide					 Encode::CN(3perl)

Encode::CN - China-based Chinese Encodings SYNOPSIS
use Encode qw/encode decode/; $euc_cn = encode("euc-cn", $utf8); # loads Encode::CN implicitly $utf8 = decode("euc-cn", $euc_cn); # ditto DESCRIPTION
This module implements China-based Chinese charset encodings. Encodings supported are as follows. Canonical Alias Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- euc-cn /euc.*cn$/i EUC (Extended Unix Character) /cn.*euc$/i /GB[-_ ]?2312(?:D.*$|$)/i (see below) gb2312-raw The raw (low-bit) GB2312 character map gb12345-raw Traditional chinese counterpart to GB2312 (raw) iso-ir-165 GB2312 + GB6345 + GB8565 + additions MacChineseSimp GB2312 + Apple Additions cp936 Code Page 936, also known as GBK (Extended GuoBiao) hz 7-bit escaped GB2312 encoding -------------------------------------------------------------------- To find how to use this module in detail, see Encode. NOTES
Due to size concerns, "GB 18030" (an extension to "GBK") is distributed separately on CPAN, under the name Encode::HanExtra. That module also contains extra Taiwan-based encodings. BUGS
When you see "charset=gb2312" on mails and web pages, they really mean "euc-cn" encodings. To fix that, "gb2312" is aliased to "euc-cn". Use "gb2312-raw" when you really mean it. The ASCII region (0x00-0x7f) is preserved for all encodings, even though this conflicts with mappings by the Unicode Consortium. SEE ALSO
Encode perl v5.14.2 2010-12-30 Encode::CN(3perl)
Man Page

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