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ByteLoader(3pm) 					 Perl Programmers Reference Guide					   ByteLoader(3pm)

ByteLoader - load byte compiled perl code SYNOPSIS
use ByteLoader 0.06; <byte code> or just perl -MByteLoader bytecode_file DESCRIPTION
This module is used to load byte compiled perl code as produced by "perl -MO=Bytecode=...". It uses the source filter mechanism to read the byte code and insert it into the compiled code at the appropriate point. AUTHOR
Tom Hughes <> based on the ideas of Tim Bunce and others. Many changes by Enache Adrian <> 2003 a.d. SEE ALSO
perl(1). perl v5.8.9 2001-09-21 ByteLoader(3pm)

Check Out this Related Man Page

PAR::Filter::Bytecode(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				  PAR::Filter::Bytecode(3)

PAR::Filter::Bytecode - Bytecode filter SYNOPSIS
PAR::Filter::Bytecode->apply($code); # transforms $code DESCRIPTION
This filter is deprecated. The B::Bytecode code has been removed from the newest development series of perl and will not be included in perl 5.10 any more. Please have a look at Steve Hay's PAR::Filter::Crypto module if you want to hide your sources. This filter uses B::Bytecode to turn the script into comment-free, architecture-specific Perl bytecode, and uses ByteLoader to load back on execution. For pp users, please add an extra -M option, like this: pp -f Bytecode -M ByteLoader Otherwise, the implicit dependency on ByteLoader will not be detected. CAVEATS
This backend exhibits all bugs listed in B::Bytecode, and then some. Bytecode support is considered to be extremely fragile on Perl versions earlier than 5.8.1, and is still far from robust (as of this writing). Bytecode is not supported by perl 5.9 and later. SEE ALSO
PAR::Filter, B::Bytecode, ByteLoader Filter::Crypto, PAR::Filter::Crypto AUTHORS
Audrey Tang <> <> is the official PAR website. You can write to the mailing list at <>, or send an empty mail to <> to participate in the discussion. Please submit bug reports to <>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2003-2009 by Audrey Tang <>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See <> perl v5.18.2 2012-01-06 PAR::Filter::Bytecode(3)
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