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app::prove::state::result::test(3pm) [osx man page]

App::Prove::State::Result::Test(3pm)			 Perl Programmers Reference Guide		      App::Prove::State::Result::Test(3pm)

App::Prove::State::Result::Test - Individual test results. VERSION
Version 3.23 DESCRIPTION
The "prove" command supports a "--state" option that instructs it to store persistent state across runs. This module encapsulates the results for a single test. SYNOPSIS
# Re-run failed tests $ prove --state=fail,save -rbv METHODS
Class Methods "new" Instance Methods "name" The name of the test. Usually a filename. "elapsed" The total elapsed times the test took to run, in seconds from the epoch.. "generation" The number for the "generation" of the test run. The first generation is 1 (one) and subsequent generations are 2, 3, etc. "last_pass_time" The last time the test program passed, in seconds from the epoch. Returns "undef" if the program has never passed. "last_fail_time" The last time the test suite failed, in seconds from the epoch. Returns "undef" if the program has never failed. "mtime" Returns the mtime of the test, in seconds from the epoch. "raw" Returns a hashref of raw test data, suitable for serialization by YAML. "result" Currently, whether or not the test suite passed with no 'problems' (such as TODO passed). "run_time" The total time it took for the test to run, in seconds. If "Time::HiRes" is available, it will have finer granularity. "num_todo" The number of tests with TODO directives. "sequence" The order in which this test was run for the given test suite result. "total_passes" The number of times the test has passed. "total_failures" The number of times the test has failed. "parser" The underlying parser object. This is useful if you need the full information for the test program. perl v5.16.2 2012-10-25 App::Prove::State::Result::Test(3pm)

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App::Prove::State::Result(3pm)				 Perl Programmers Reference Guide			    App::Prove::State::Result(3pm)

App::Prove::State::Result - Individual test suite results. VERSION
Version 3.26 DESCRIPTION
The "prove" command supports a "--state" option that instructs it to store persistent state across runs. This module encapsulates the results for a single test suite run. SYNOPSIS
# Re-run failed tests $ prove --state=fail,save -rbv METHODS
Class Methods "new" my $result = App::Prove::State::Result->new({ generation => $generation, tests => \%tests, }); Returns a new "App::Prove::State::Result" instance. "state_version" Returns the current version of state storage. "test_class" Returns the name of the class used for tracking individual tests. This class should either subclass from "App::Prove::State::Result::Test" or provide an identical interface. "generation" Getter/setter for the "generation" of the test suite run. The first generation is 1 (one) and subsequent generations are 2, 3, etc. "last_run_time" Getter/setter for the time of the test suite run. "tests" Returns the tests for a given generation. This is a hashref or a hash, depending on context called. The keys to the hash are the individual test names and the value is a hashref with various interesting values. Each k/v pair might resemble something like this: 't/foo.t' => { elapsed => '0.0428488254547119', gen => '7', last_pass_time => '1219328376.07815', last_result => '0', last_run_time => '1219328376.07815', last_todo => '0', mtime => '1191708862', seq => '192', total_passes => '6', } "test" my $test = $result->test('t/customer/create.t'); Returns an individual "App::Prove::State::Result::Test" instance for the given test name (usually the filename). Will return a new "App::Prove::State::Result::Test" instance if the name is not found. "test_names" Returns an list of test names, sorted by run order. "remove" $result->remove($test_name); # remove the test my $test = $result->test($test_name); # fatal error Removes a given test from results. This is a no-op if the test name is not found. "num_tests" Returns the number of tests for a given test suite result. "raw" Returns a hashref of raw results, suitable for serialization by YAML. perl v5.18.2 2014-01-06 App::Prove::State::Result(3pm)
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