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glutpostoverlayredisplay(3glut) [osx man page]

glutPostOverlayRedisplay(3GLUT) 				       GLUT					   glutPostOverlayRedisplay(3GLUT)

glutPostOverlayRedisplay, glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay - marks the overlay of the current or specified window as needing to be redis- played. SYNTAX
#include <GLUT/glut.h> void glutPostOverlayRedisplay(void); void glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay(int win); DESCRIPTION
Mark the overlay of current window as needing to be redisplayed. The next iteration through glutMainLoop, the window's overlay display callback (or simply the display callback if no overlay display callback is registered) will be called to redisplay the window's overlay plane. Multiple calls to glutPostOverlayRedisplay before the next display callback opportunity (or overlay display callback opportunity if one is registered) generate only a single redisplay. glutPostOverlayRedisplay may be called within a window's display or overlay display callback to re-mark that window for redisplay. Logically, overlay damage notification for a window is treated as a glutPostOverlayRedisplay on the damaged window. Unlike damage reported by the window system, glutPostOverlayRedisplay will not set to true the overlay's damaged status (returned by glutLayerGet(GLUT_OVER- LAY_DAMAGED). If the window you want to post an overlay redisplay on is not already current (and you do not require it to be immediately made current), using glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay is more efficient that calling glutSetWindow to the desired window and then calling glutPostOverlayRe- display. EXAMPLE
If you are doing an interactive effect like rubberbanding in the overlay, it is a good idea to structure your rendering to minimize flicker (most overlays are single-buffered). Only clear the overlay if you know that the window has been damaged. Otherwise, try to simply erase what you last drew and redraw it in an updated position. Here is an example overlay display callback used to implement overlay rubberband- ing: void redrawOverlay(void) { static int prevStretchX, prevStretchY; if (glutLayerGet(GLUT_OVERLAY_DAMAGED)) { /* Damage means we needwindoay callback 4at theeeeeeeeeeeeeeey displayOverlayRedisplay - marks the o6s w_COLOR_BUFFER_BITglutCrea} esteck 4at theeeeUnample. Heay(voi-d) lay - marks thIativi(urrent windglutCreas thBlutns w_LINE_LOOPglutCreas thVesplx2ide chorXow tchorYglutCreas thVesplx2ide chorXowLAY_DAMAGED)glutCreas thVesplx2idrGet(GLUT_OVERLAY_DAMAGED)glutCreas thVesplx2idrGet(GLUT_OVER tchorYglutCreas thEnd(glutCrea}. } Iativi( thetInitWindBlutns w_LINE_LOOPglutCreathVesplx2ide chorXow tchorYglutCreathVesplx2ide chorXowsAMAGED)glutCreathVesplx2idsGLUT_OVERsAMAGED)glutCreathVesplx2idsGLUT_OVER tchorYglutCreathEnd(glutCrearGet(GLUT_OV =RsAMAGEDXlutCrearGet(GLUT_OY =RsAMAGEDY;e your program toNostceverla The overlay display callback can b menu stattWina has beallback p is saved fben whe GLUTeeeee;red. has ben b nred. ray(voibup misit in an uphutton forawOverlbenerateyou are idia, prevSayRedisplay AUTH not set thisverlaydow, glutSetColor GLUT
3.7 glutPostOverlayRedisplay(3GLUT)

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glutOverlayDisplayFunc(3GLUT)					       GLUT					     glutOverlayDisplayFunc(3GLUT)

glutOverlayDisplayFunc - sets the overlay display callback for the current window. SYNTAX
void glutOverlayDisplayFunc(void (*func)(void)); ARGUMENTS
func The new overlay display callback function. DESCRIPTION
glutDisplayFunc sets the overlay display callback for the current window. The overlay display callback is functionally the same as the win- dow's display callback except that the overlay display callback is used to redisplay the window's overlay. When GLUT determines that the overlay plane for the window needs to be redisplayed, the overlay display callback for the window is called. Before the callback, the current window is set to the window needing to be redisplayed and the layer in use is set to the overlay. The overlay display callback is called with no parameters. The entire overlay region should be redisplayed in response to the callback (this includes ancillary buffers if your program depends on their state). GLUT determines when the overlay display callback should be triggered based on the window's overlay redisplay state. The overlay redisplay state for a window can be either set explicitly by calling glutPostOverlayRedisplay or implicitly as the result of window damage reported by the window system. Multiple posted overlay redisplays for a window are coalesced by GLUT to minimize the number of overlay display call- backs called. Upon return from the overlay display callback, the overlay damaged state of the window (returned by calling glutLayerGet(GLUT_OVERLAY_DAM- AGED) is cleared. The overlay display callback can be deregistered by passing NULL to glutOverlayDisplayFunc. The overlay display callback is initially NULL when an overlay is established. See glutDisplayFunc to understand how the display callback alone is used if an overlay display callback is not registered. SEE ALSO
glutDisplayFunc, glutPostOverlayRedisplay AUTHOR
Mark J. Kilgard ( GLUT
3.7 glutOverlayDisplayFunc(3GLUT)
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