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glutkeyboardupfunc(3glut) [osx man page]

glutKeyboardUpFunc(3GLUT)					       GLUT						 glutKeyboardUpFunc(3GLUT)

glutKeyboardUpFunc - sets the keyboard up (key release) callback for the current window. SYNTAX
#include <GLUT/glut.h> void glutKeyboardUpFunc(void (*func)(unsigned char key, int x, int y)); ARGUMENTS
func The new keyboard up callback function. DESCRIPTION
glutKeyboardFunc sets the keyboard up (key release) callback for the current window. When a user types into the window, each key release matching an ASCII character will generate a keyboard up callback. The key callback parameter is the generated ASCII character. The state of modifier keys such as Shift cannot be determined directly; their only effect will be on the returned ASCII data. The x and y callback parameters indicate the mouse location in window relative coordinates when the key was pressed. When a new window is created, no keyboard callback is initially registered, and ASCII key strokes in the window are ignored. Passing NULL to glutKeyboardFunc disables the generation of keyboard callbacks. During a keyboard up callback, glutGetModifiers may be called to determine the state of modifier keys when the keystroke generating the callback occurred. To avoid the reporting of key release/press pairs due to auto repeat, use glutIgnoreKeyRepeat to ignore auto repeated keystrokes. There is no guarantee that the keyboard press callback will match the exact ASCII character as the keyboard up callback. For example, the key down may be for a lowercase b, but the key release may report an uppercase B if the shift state has changed. The same applies to sym- bols and control characters. The precise behavior is window system dependent. Use glutSpecialUpFunc for a means to detect non-ASCII key releases. SEE ALSO
glutKeyboardFunc, glutSpecialUpFunc, glutSpecialFunc, glutCreateWindow, glutMouseFunc, glutSpaceballButtonFunc, glutButtonBoxFunc, glut- TabletButtonFunc, glutGetModifiers, glutIgnoreKeyRepeat AUTHOR
Mark J. Kilgard ( GLUT
3.7 glutKeyboardUpFunc(3GLUT)

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glutKeyboardFunc(3GLUT) 					       GLUT						   glutKeyboardFunc(3GLUT)

glutKeyboardFunc - sets the keyboard callback for the current window. SYNTAX
#include <GLUT/glut.h> void glutKeyboardFunc(void (*func)(unsigned char key, int x, int y)); ARGUMENTS
func The new keyboard callback function. DESCRIPTION
glutKeyboardFunc sets the keyboard callback for the current window. When a user types into the window, each key press generating an ASCII character will generate a keyboard callback. The key callback parameter is the generated ASCII character. The state of modifier keys such as Shift cannot be determined directly; their only effect will be on the returned ASCII data. The x and y callback parameters indicate the mouse location in window relative coordinates when the key was pressed. When a new window is created, no keyboard callback is initially registered, and ASCII key strokes in the window are ignored. Passing NULL to glutKeyboardFunc disables the generation of keyboard call- backs. During a keyboard callback, glutGetModifiers may be called to determine the state of modifier keys when the keystroke generating the call- back occurred. Use glutSpecialFunc for a means to detect non-ASCII key strokes. SEE ALSO
glutKeyboardUpFunc, glutSpecialFunc, glutCreateWindow, glutMouseFunc, glutSpaceballButtonFunc, glutButtonBoxFunc, glutTabletButtonFunc, glutGetModifiers AUTHOR
Mark J. Kilgard ( GLUT
3.7 glutKeyboardFunc(3GLUT)
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