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glutdialsfunc(3glut) [osx man page]

glutDialsFunc(3GLUT)						       GLUT						      glutDialsFunc(3GLUT)

glutDialsFunc - sets the dial & button box dials callback for the current window. SYNTAX
#include <GLUT/glut.h> void glutDialsFunc(void (*func)(int dial, int value)); ARGUMENTS
func The new dials callback function. DESCRIPTION
glutDialsFunc sets the dial & button box dials callback for the current window. The dial & button box dials callback for a window is called when the window has dial & button box input focus (normally, when the mouse is in the window) and the user generates dial & button box dial changes. The dial parameter will be the dial number (starting at one). The number of available dial & button box dials can be determined with glutDeviceGet(GLUT_NUM_DIALS). The value measures the absolute rotation in degrees. Dial values do not ``roll over'' with each com- plete rotation but continue to accumulate degrees (until the int dial value overflows). Registering a dial & button box dials callback when a dial & button box device is not available is ineffectual and not an error. In this case, no dial & button box dials callbacks will be generated. Passing NULL to glutDialsFunc disables the generation of dial & button box dials callbacks. When a new window is created, no dial & button box dials callback is initially registered. SEE ALSO
glutButtonBoxFunc, glutDeviceGet AUTHOR
Mark J. Kilgard ( GLUT
3.7 glutDialsFunc(3GLUT)

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glutDialsFunc(3GLUT)						       GLUT						      glutDialsFunc(3GLUT)

glutDialsFunc - sets the dial & button box dials callback for the current window. SYNTAX
void glutDialsFunc(void (*func)(int dial, int value)); ARGUMENTS
func The new dials callback function. DESCRIPTION
glutDialsFunc sets the dial & button box dials callback for the current window. The dial & button box dials callback for a window is called when the window has dial & button box input focus (normally, when the mouse is in the window) and the user generates dial & button box dial changes. The dial parameter will be the dial number (starting at one). The number of available dial & button box dials can be determined with glutDeviceGet(GLUT_NUM_DIALS). The value measures the absolute rotation in degrees. Dial values do not ``roll over'' with each com- plete rotation but continue to accumulate degrees (until the int dial value overflows). Registering a dial & button box dials callback when a dial & button box device is not available is ineffectual and not an error. In this case, no dial & button box dials callbacks will be generated. Passing NULL to glutDialsFunc disables the generation of dial & button box dials callbacks. When a new window is created, no dial & button box dials callback is initially registered. SEE ALSO
glutButtonBoxFunc, glutDeviceGet AUTHOR
Mark J. Kilgard ( GLUT
3.7 glutDialsFunc(3GLUT)
Man Page

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