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glutdeviceget(3glut) [osx man page]

glutDeviceGet(3GLUT)						       GLUT						      glutDeviceGet(3GLUT)

glutDeviceGet - retrieves GLUT device information represented by integers. SYNTAX
#include <GLUT/glut.h> int glutDeviceGet(GLenum info); ARGUMENTS
info Name of device information to retrieve. GLUT_HAS_KEYBOARD Non-zero if a keyboard is available; zero if not available. For most GLUT implementations, a keyboard can be assumed. GLUT_HAS_MOUSE Non-zero if a mouse is available; zero if not available. For most GLUT implementations, a keyboard can be assumed. GLUT_HAS_SPACEBALL Non-zero if a Spaceball is available; zero if not available. GLUT_HAS_DIAL_AND_BUTTON_BOX Non-zero if a dial & button box is available; zero if not available. GLUT_HAS_TABLET Non-zero if a tablet is available; zero if not available. GLUT_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS Number of buttons supported by the mouse. If no mouse is supported, zero is returned. GLUT_NUM_SPACEBALL_BUTTONS Number of buttons supported by the Spaceball. If no Spaceball is supported, zero is returned. GLUT_NUM_BUTTON_BOX_BUTTONS Number of buttons supported by the dial & button box device. If no dials & button box device is supported, zero is returned. GLUT_NUM_DIALS Number of dials supported by the dial & button box device. If no dials & button box device is supported, zero is returned. GLUT_NUM_TABLET_BUTTONS Number of buttons supported by the tablet. If no tablet is supported, zero is returned. GLUT_DEVICE_IGNORE_KEY_REPEAT Returns true if the current window's auto repeated keys are ignored. This state is controlled by glutIgnoreKeyRepeat. GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT The window system's global key repeat state. Returns either GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_OFF, GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_ON, or GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_DEFAULT. This will not necessarily return the value last passed to glutSetKeyRepeat. GLUT_JOYSTICK_POLL_RATE Returns the current window's joystick poll rate as set by glutJoystickFunc. If no joystick is supported, the poll rate will always be zero. The joystick poll rate also returns zero if the poll rate last specified to glutJoystickFunc is negative or a NULL call- back was registered. GLUT_HAS_JOYSTICK Non-zero if a joystick is available; zero if not available. GLUT_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS Number of buttons supported by the joystick. If no joystick is supported, zero is returned. GLUT_JOYSTICK_AXES Number of axes supported by the joystick. If no joystick is supposrted, zero is returned. DESCRIPTION
glutDeviceGet retrieves GLUT device information represented by integers. The info parameter determines what type of device information to return. Requesting device information for an invalid GLUT device information name returns negative one. X IMPLEMENTATION NOTES
The current implementation uses to X Input extension to regonize SGI's Spaceball, tablet, and dial and button box devices. WIN32 IMPLEMENTATION NOTES The GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT alwasy returns GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_ON. SEE ALSO
glutGet, glutKeyboardFunc, glutMouseFunc, glutSpaceballMotion, glutTabletMotionFunc, glutTabletButtonFunc, glutDialsFunc, glutButtonBox- Func, glutIgnoreKeyRepeat, glutSetKeyRepeat, glutJoystickFunc AUTHOR
Mark J. Kilgard ( GLUT
3.7 glutDeviceGet(3GLUT)

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glutDeviceGet -- Allows you to get some device state/option variables. LIBRARY
OpenGLUT - inputstate SYNOPSIS
#include <openglut.h> int glutDeviceGet(GLenum eWhat); PARAMETERS
eWhat Enumerated parameter ID. DESCRIPTION
Retrieves some system-specific information about attached devices. Supported device queries are: - GLUT_HAS_JOYSTICK Return non-zero if there is a joystick. - GLUT_HAS_KEYBOARD Return non-zero if there is a keyboard. - GLUT_HAS_MOUSE Return non-zero if there is a mouse. - GLUT_HAS_SPACEBALL Return non-zero if there is a spaceball. - GLUT_JOYSTICK_AXES Return the number of axes for the joystick. - GLUT_JOYSTICK_POLL_RATE Return the rate (in GLUT timer ticks?) at which the joystick is polled. - GLUT_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS Return the number of buttons that the user's mouse has. - GLUT_OWNS_JOYSTICK Return non-zero if OpenGLUT believes that it has successfully acquired access to the joystick. - GLUT_DEVICE_IGNORE_KEY_REPEAT Return non-zero if the current window is set to disable key repeating. - GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT Described as returning the key repeat rate in one place, but actually returns a key repeat mode. - GLUT_HAS_DIAL_AND_BUTTON_BOX Return non-zero if a dials-and-buttons box is present. - GLUT_HAS_TABLET Return non-zero if a tablet is present. - GLUT_NUM_BUTTON_BOX_BUTTONS Return the number of buttons on a dials-and-buttons box, if any. - GLUT_NUM_DIALS Return the number of dials on a dials-and-buttons box, if any. - GLUT_NUM_SPACEBALL_BUTTONS Return the number of buttons on a spaceball, if any. - GLUT_NUM_TABLET_BUTTONS Return the number of buttons on a tablet, if any. TODO
Only supports querying for one joystick. Consider moving to a table-based approach rather than a switch(), letting us move to modular functions. BUGS
Keyboards are optional, but OpenGLUT doesn't detect their absence. Mice are optional, but OpenGLUT is only able to check for them under WIN32. Mice can have a varying number of buttons, but OpenGLUT assumes exactly 3 on UNIX_X11. Not all joystick queries are implemented yet. GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT returns the key repeat mode, but the comment says it returns the rate . Some things, like joystick poll rates, seem to have insufficient context. Which joystick? Which window? Maybe we assume the current window and the current joystick (or the first one)? GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT should probably return ogState.KeyRepeat. SEE ALSO
glutSetOption(3) glutGet(3) glutGetModifiers(3) glutLayerGet(3) Epoch
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