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glenableclientstate(3g) [osx man page]


glEnableClientState, glDisableClientState - enable or disable client-side capability C SPECIFICATION
void glEnableClientState( GLenum array ) PARAMETERS
array Specifies the capability to enable. Symbolic constants GL_COLOR_ARRAY, GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY, GL_INDEX_ARRAY, GL_NORMAL_ARRAY, GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY, and GL_VERTEX_ARRAY are accepted. C SPECIFICATION
void glDisableClientState( GLenum array ) PARAMETERS
array Specifies the capability to disable. DESCRIPTION
glEnableClientState and glDisableClientState enable or disable individual client-side capabilities. By default, all client-side capabili- ties are disabled. Both glEnableClientState and glDisableClientState take a single argument, array, which can assume one of the following values: GL_COLOR_ARRAY If enabled, the color array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glColorPointer. GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY If enabled, the edge flag array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glEdgeFlagPointer. GL_INDEX_ARRAY If enabled, the index array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glIndexPointer. GL_NORMAL_ARRAY If enabled, the normal array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glNormalPointer. GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY If enabled, the texture coordinate array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glTexCoordPointer. GL_VERTEX_ARRAY If enabled, the vertex array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glVertexPointer. NOTES
glEnableClientState is available only if the GL version is 1.1 or greater. If GL_ARB_multitexture is supported, enabling and disabling GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY affects the active client texture unit. The active client texture unit is controlled with glClientActiveTextureARB. ERRORS
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if array is not an accepted value. glEnableClientState is not allowed between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding glEnd, but an error may or may not be generated. If no error is generated, the behavior is undefined. SEE ALSO
glArrayElement, glClientActiveTextureARB, glColorPointer, glDrawArrays, glDrawElements, glEdgeFlagPointer, glEnable, glGetPointerv, glIndexPointer, glInterleavedArrays, glNormalPointer, glTexCoordPointer, glVertexPointer GLENABLECLIENTSTATE(3G)

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glEnableClientState, glDisableClientState - enable or disable client-side capability C SPECIFICATION
void glEnableClientState( GLenum cap); 1.1 ) PARAMETERS
1.1 Specifies the capability to enable. Symbolic constants GL_COLOR_ARRAY, GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY, GL_INDEX_ARRAY, GL_NORMAL_ARRAY, GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY, and GL_VERTEX_ARRAY are accepted. C SPECIFICATION
void glDisableClientState( GLenum cap); 1.1 ) PARAMETERS
1.1 Specifies the capability to disable. DESCRIPTION
glEnableClientState and glDisableClientState enable or disable individual client-side capabilities. By default, all client-side capabili- ties are disabled. Both glEnableClientState and glDisableClientState take a single argument, 1.1, which can assume one of the following values: GL_COLOR_ARRAY If enabled, the color array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glColorPointer. GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY If enabled, the edge flag array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glEdgeFlagPointer. GL_INDEX_ARRAY If enabled, the index array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glIndexPointer. GL_NORMAL_ARRAY If enabled, the normal array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glNormalPointer. GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY If enabled, the texture coordinate array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glTexCoordPointer. GL_VERTEX_ARRAY If enabled, the vertex array is enabled for writing and used during rendering when glArrayElement, glDrawArrays, glDrawElement, or glDrawRangeElements is called. See glVertexPointer. NOTES
glEnableClientState is available only if the GL version is 1.1 or greater. If GL_ARB_multitexture is supported, enabling and disabling GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY affects the active client texture unit. The active client texture unit is controlled with glClientActiveTextureARB. ERRORS
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if 1.1 is not an accepted value. glEnableClientState is not allowed between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding glEnd, but an error may or may not be generated. If no error is generated, the behavior is undefined. SEE ALSO
glArrayElement(3G), glClientActiveTextureARB(3G), glColorPointer(3G), glDrawArrays(3G), glDrawElements(3G), glEdgeFlagPointer(3G), glEnable(3G), glGetPointerv(3G), glIndexPointer(3G), glInterleavedArrays(3G), glNormalPointer(3G), glTexCoordPointer(3G), glVertexPointer(3G) GLENABLECLIENTSTATE(3G)
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