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replace_extension(3alleg4) [osx man page]

replace_extension(3alleg4)					  Allegro manual					replace_extension(3alleg4)

replace_extension - Replaces filename+extension with a new extension tail. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> char *replace_extension(char *dest, const char *filename, const char *ext, int size); DESCRIPTION
Replaces the specified filename+extension with a new extension tail, storing at most `size' bytes into the `dest' buffer. If the filename doesn't have any extension at all, `ext' will be appended to it, adding a dot character if needed. You can use the same buffer both as input and output because Allegro internally works on a copy of the input before touching `dest'. Example: replace_extension(buf, "C:\game\prog.exe", "dat", sizeof(buf)); RETURN VALUE
Returns a copy of the `dest' parameter. SEE ALSO
get_extension(3alleg4), replace_filename(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 replace_extension(3alleg4)

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canonicalize_filename(3alleg4)					  Allegro manual				    canonicalize_filename(3alleg4)

canonicalize_filename - Converts any filename into its canonical form. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> char *canonicalize_filename(char *dest, const char *filename, int size); DESCRIPTION
Converts any filename into its canonical form, i.e. the minimal absolute filename describing the same file and fixing incorrect for- ward/backward slashes for the current platform, storing at most `size' bytes into the `dest' buffer. You can use the same buffer both as input and output because Allegro internally works on a copy of the input before touching `dest'. Example: char buf[256]; ... canonicalize_filename(buf, "~/../s22/..\t3st///hi.c", sizeof(buf)); /* Running this under Unix would return: /home/t3st/hi.c */ Note that this function won't work as expected if the path to canonicalize comes from another platform (eg. a "c:something" path will canonicalize into something really wrong under Unix: "/current/path/c:/something"). RETURN VALUE
Returns a copy of the `dest' parameter. SEE ALSO
fix_filename_case(3alleg4), fix_filename_slashes(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 canonicalize_filename(3alleg4)
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