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readkey(3alleg4) [osx man page]

readkey(3alleg4)                                                  Allegro manual                                                  readkey(3alleg4)

readkey - Returns the next character from the keyboard buffer. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> int readkey(); DESCRIPTION
Returns the next character from the keyboard buffer, in ASCII format. If the buffer is empty, it waits until a key is pressed. You can see if there are queued keypresses with keypressed(). The low byte of the return value contains the ASCII code of the key, and the high byte the scancode. The scancode remains the same whatever the state of the shift, ctrl and alt keys, while the ASCII code is affected by shift and ctrl in the normal way (shift changes case, ctrl+letter gives the position of that letter in the alphabet, eg. ctrl+A = 1, ctrl+B = 2, etc). Pressing alt+key returns only the scan- code, with a zero ASCII code in the low byte. For example: int val; ... val = readkey(); if ((val & 0xff) == 'd') /* by ASCII code */ allegro_message("You pressed 'd' "); if ((val >> 8) == KEY_SPACE) /* by scancode */ allegro_message("You pressed Space "); if ((val & 0xff) == 3) /* ctrl+letter */ allegro_message("You pressed Control+C "); if (val == (KEY_X << 8)) /* alt+letter */ allegro_message("You pressed Alt+X "); This function cannot return character values greater than 255. If you need to read Unicode input, use ureadkey() instead. SEE ALSO
install_keyboard(3alleg4), ureadkey(3alleg4), keypressed(3alleg4), clear_keybuf(3alleg4), simulate_keypress(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 readkey(3alleg4)

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exmouse(3alleg4)                                                  Allegro manual                                                  exmouse(3alleg4)

exmouse - Getting input from the mouse. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> Example exmouse DESCRIPTION
This program demonstrates how to get mouse input. The first part of the test retrieves the raw mouse input data and displays it on the screen without using any mouse cursor. When you press a key the standard arrow-like mouse cursor appears. You are not restricted to this shape, and a second key press modifies the cursor to be several concentric colored circles. They are not joined together, so you can still see bits of what's behind when you move the cursor over the printed text message. SEE ALSO
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