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need_uconvert(3alleg4) [osx man page]

need_uconvert(3alleg4)						  Allegro manual					    need_uconvert(3alleg4)

need_uconvert - Tells if a string requires encoding conversion. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> int need_uconvert(const char *s, int type, int newtype); DESCRIPTION
Given a pointer to a string (`s'), a description of the type of the string (`type'), and the type that you would like this string to be converted into (`newtype'), this function tells you whether any conversion is required. No conversion will be needed if `type' and `new- type' are the same, or if one type is ASCII, the other is UTF-8, and the string contains only character values less than 128. As a conve- nience shortcut, you can pass the value U_CURRENT as either of the type parameters, to represent whatever text encoding format is currently selected. Example: if (need_uconvert(text, U_UTF8, U_CURRENT)) { /* conversion is required */ } RETURN VALUE
Returns non-zero if any conversion is required or zero otherwise. SEE ALSO
set_uformat(3alleg4), get_uformat(3alleg4), do_uconvert(3alleg4), uconvert(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 need_uconvert(3alleg4)

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need_uconvert(3alleg4)						  Allegro manual					    need_uconvert(3alleg4)

need_uconvert - Tells if a string requires encoding conversion. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> int need_uconvert(const char *s, int type, int newtype); DESCRIPTION
Given a pointer to a string (`s'), a description of the type of the string (`type'), and the type that you would like this string to be converted into (`newtype'), this function tells you whether any conversion is required. No conversion will be needed if `type' and `new- type' are the same, or if one type is ASCII, the other is UTF-8, and the string contains only character values less than 128. As a conve- nience shortcut, you can pass the value U_CURRENT as either of the type parameters, to represent whatever text encoding format is currently selected. Example: if (need_uconvert(text, U_UTF8, U_CURRENT)) { /* conversion is required */ } RETURN VALUE
Returns non-zero if any conversion is required or zero otherwise. SEE ALSO
set_uformat(3alleg4), get_uformat(3alleg4), do_uconvert(3alleg4), uconvert(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 need_uconvert(3alleg4)
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